A variety of reference materials are used in developing this site and in the publication of the Black Range Naturalist. When those materials are in the public demain and are not to large we post them to this site, for our later use, and for yours should you choose. All are available for download.
These materials are grouped into large groupings, as follows:
- Non-animal life (A cumbersome title meant to indicate that it includes more than flora. Fungi, etc. are also included.)
- Geology. A significant amount of geologic fieldwork has been done in the Black Range.
- Animal Life.
- Early Travelers & Settlers in the Range. Reports of expeditions, articles, and personal reports.
Some references are more general, some of them are listed below:
- Ephemeral Drainages in the Southwestern United States: A Literature Review; by Cockman and Pieper; NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 720; 1997
- An Introduction to Induced Meandering by Bill Zeedyk
- Archaeological Sample Survey of the Florida Mountains, Luna County, New Mexico; by Charles M. Haecker; National Park Service, Intermountain Support Office, Santa Fe; 2002
- 1929 Arizona-New Mexico Mountain Lion Film - William L. Finley
- Soil Burn Severity Map - Black Fire (May-June 2022, Black Range)
- The Art of Tracking - the Origin of Science by Louis Liebenberg
- Photographing Snowflakes by W. A. Bentley
- Wood Plenty, Grass Good, Water None by Harley G. Shaw
- Hillsboro Quadrangle, 1940, U.S. Geologic Survey, 1:62,500