Mertensia franciscana

Franciscan Bluebells - Mertensia franciscana
McKnight Cabin, Black Range
New Mexico, USA
May 30, 2015

The Mertensia franciscana, Franciscan Bluebells (a.k.a. San Francisco Bluebells) depicted here were photographed at McKnight Cabin in the Black Range on May 30, 2015.  Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness depicts a photograph, described as this species, at that site.  Synonyms for this species include M. alba, M. grandis, and M. pratensis.  The species was first described by Amos Heller in 1899.  L. F. Ward collected the type specimen in Utah in 1875.  The native range of this species is limited to the four-corner states.  

Southwest Flora has photographs and descriptions of both M. franciscana and M. ciliata.

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