Plants+ of the Black Range of New Mexico
This series is a checklist of the flora, fungi, lichen, cyanobacteria, algae, etc. found in the Black Range. It is arranged in three volumes. Volume 1 arrays the information by grouping entries into their scientific families. Volume 2 arranges entries by their Latin Binomal. Volume 3 arranges entries by English Common Name.
- View as a .pdf and download for off-line use.
- This volume includes a listing of some of the plant collectors who have collected in the Black Range and the life history of one of them - O. B. Metcalfe who collected in the Black Range during 1904 and 1905.
- A .pdf book of this volume is available at this link, available for download for use off-line.
- This volume provides information about a number of plant collecting areas and a summary of the life of William R. Chapline, Jr., who collected in the Black Range from 1914 to 1916.
- The .pdf of this volume is available at this link, available for download for use off-line.
- This volume includes a summary of the life of Anna Isabel Mulford who collected in the Black Range during 1895.
Please see our page References - Non-Animal Life for additional information on this topic.