Bird Checklist

Many of the species listed here are covered in our photo gallery of the Birds of the Black Range (birds must be photographed in the Black Range to be included) and in our video portfolio of the Birds of New Mexico (birds must have been recorded in New Mexico to be included).  You may also wish to visit our page on Birding Southwestern New Mexico

Species are listed in alphabetical order within major groupings to aid novice birdwatchers.  For links to photographs and videos of all bird species, regardless of where they were recorded, please visit the Species Index on


Loon, Common- Rare in migration in the Gila. 


Grebe, Clark's - Uncommon in migration in the Gila.

Grebe, Eared - Fairly common in the summer and common in migration, in the Gila. 

Grebe, Pied-billed - Common resident in the Gila.

Grebe, Western - Fairly common in migration in the Gila.


Cormorant, Double-crested - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Cormorant, Neotropic - Rare in migration in the Gila.  Video.


Bufflehead -  Fairly common in migration in the Gila. Video.

Canvasback - Common on small lakes and ponds during winter 

Duck, Ring-necked - Uncommon in summer and fairly common in migration, in the Gila. 

Duck, Ruddy - Common on small lakes and ponds during winter.  Video

Duck, Wood - Rare in winter in the Gila.

Gadwall - Common in winter. 

Goldeneye, Common - Uncommon in migration in the Gila.

Goose, Cackling 

Goose, Canada - Uncommon on small lakes  and ponds, mainly on the east side of the Black Range.

Goose, Ross's - Uncommon in the winter, typically as flyovers associated with the Rio Grande Valley. Video

Goose, Snow - Uncommon in the winter, typically as flyovers associated with the Rio Grande Valley - Video

Mallard - Common where ever there is a body of water 

Merganser, Common - Fairly common resident in the Gila.

Merganser, Hooded - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Merganser, Red-breasted - Rare in migration in the Gila. 

Pintail, Northern - Common on small lakes and ponds during winter - Video. Video

Redhead - Uncommon in summer and in migration in the Gila. 

Scaup, Greater - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Scaup, Lesser - Common in winter in the Gila.

Shoveler, Northern - Common on small lakes and ponds during winter - Video

Swan, Tundra - Rare in migration in the Gila. 

Teal, Blue-winged - Rare in summer and uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Teal, Cinnamon - Fairly common in migration and in the summer in the Gila.  Video

Teal, Green-winged - Common on smalllakes and ponds during winter.

Wigeon, American - Fairly common in migration in the Gila. 


Quail, Gambel's - Common resident in washes and foothills - Video. Photos

Quail, Montezuma - Uncommon resident of  the foothills - Check at Lower Gallinas Campground - Photos

Quail, Scaled - Common resident in washes and foothills - Photos


Turkey, Wild - Common in the range  - Photos (2 sets)


Bittern, American - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Bittern, Least - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Egret, Great - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Egret, Snowy - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Heron, Great Blue -  Common resident where there is water of any type, check along streams and ponds in the foothills - Video. Video

Heron, Green - Rare in summer in the Gila. 

Ibis, White-faced - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Night-Heron, Black-crowned - Uncommon in summer in the Gila. 


Vulture, Turkey - Common in summer throughout the range - Video - Photos


Osprey - Generally rare but oddly overhead at  the most wonderful times, at some large ponds in the eastern foothills. 


Black-Hawk, Common - Uncommon during summer.  Nests in the Animas and Mimbres valleys

Eagle, Bald - Rare in summer and uncommon in winter in the Gila.

Eagle, Golden - Common resident.  Most often seen perched on poles, at dead meat sites, and soaring overhead.   Photos

Goshawk, Northern - Rare resident

Harrier, Northern - Rare in summer and uncommon in winter in the Gila.

Hawk, Cooper's - Uncommon resident in the foothills Photographs

Hawk, Ferruginous - Uncommon in migration and in winter in the Gila.

Hawk, Red-tailed - Common resident.  Several color morphs - Photos - Video. Video. Video

Hawk, Rough-legged - Rare in winter in the Gila. 

Hawk, Sharp-shinned - Uncommon resident in the foothills - Photos. Video. Video 

Hawk, Swainson's - Common during the summer.  Often seen on power poles.  Some remain in colder months - Photos Video

Hawk, Zone-tailed - Uncommon during the summer, nests in the Animas drainage. Video. Photographs


Coot, American - Common on small ponds and lakes, especially in the foothills Photograph


Crane, Sandhill - Common in winter, periodic flyovers associated with movement in the Rio Grande Valley - Video.   Video.  


Killdeer - Common resident.  Listen for call.  Especially in the the foothills  - Photo.  Video

Plover, Black-bellied - Rare in migration in the Gila. 

Plover, Semipalmated - Rare in migration in the Gila. 


Avocet, American - Rare in migration in the Gila. 

Stilt, Black-necked - Rare in migration in the Gila. 


Curlew, Long-billed - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Dowitcher, Long-billed - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Godwit, Marbled - Rare in migration in the Gila. 

Phalarope, Red-necked - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Phalarope, Wilson's - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Sandpiper, Baird's - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Sandpiper, Least - Fairly common in migration in the Gila. 

Sandpiper, Pectoral - Rare in migration in the Gila. 

Sandpiper, Solitary - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Sandpiper, Spotted - Fairly common in migration and rare in summer and winter.  Areas along Rio Grande are also fruitful.  Video

Sandpiper, Western - Fairly common in migration in the Gila.

Snipe, Wilson's - Fairly common in migration.  Referred to as Common Snipe in older sources. 

Yellowlegs, Greater - Uncommon in  migration in the Gila. 

Yellowlegs, Lesser - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 


Gull, Bonaparte's - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Gull, California - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Gull, Franklin's - Rare in migration in the Gila. 

Gull, Ring-billed - Uncommon in migration in the Gila.

Tern, Black - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Tern, Forster's - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 


Collared-Dove, Eurasian - Common resident in many east slope communities - Photos - Video  Video (One of five which document nesting during March and April 2019)

Dove, Mourning - Common resident - Photos.

Dove, Inca - Common resident but may be sporadic - Photos. Video.

Dove, White-winged - Common resident in east slope communities - Photos - Video.

Ground-Dove, Common - Sighting in Hillsboro, New Mexico.  Photos

Ground-Dove, Ruddy - A sighting in Hillsboro.  Photos.

Pigeon, Band-tailed - Occasional visits throughout the year in Hillsboro, fairly common in the Gila in the summer - Photos - Video - Video


Cuckoo, Yellow-billed - Uncommon in Animas Creek and the Gila during the summer.  Common at A Spear Ranch.

Roadrunner, Greater - Fairly common resident, look especially along NM-152 and NM-27 - Photo - Video. Video


Owl, Barn - Photographs - Video

Owl, Burrowing - Rare in summer in the Gila. 

Owl, Elf - Rare in summer in the Gila.

Owl, Flammulated - Fairly common in summer in the Gila.

Owl, Great-horned - Fairly common resident, look in moderate sized trees, Hackberries in washes - PhotoVideo

Owl, Long-eared - Uncommon in winter and unusual in summer, scope established Hackberry trees in washes where they sometimes congregate in the winter - Video Photos

Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Rare in winter in the Gila.

Owl, Short-eared - Rare in migration in the Gila. Photos.

Owl, (Mexican) Spotted - Uncommon resident in the Gila. Feather Photo. Photos  Video

Pygmy-Owl, Mountain (Northern) - Uncommon resident in the Gila. Photos.

Screech-Owl, Western - Uncommon resident - Photo


Nighthawk, Common - Common in summer, especially as weather fronts are moving through the area - Video - Photographs

Nighthawk, Lesser - Fairly common in summer in the Gila. 

Poorwill, Common  - Fairly common in summer in the Gila.

Whip-Poor-Will, Mexican - Fairly common in summer in the Gila, split from Eastern Whip-Poor-Will


Swift, Black - Rare in summer and migration in the Gila.

Swift, White-throated - Fairly common in summer in the Gila.  Photographs


Hummingbird, Anna's - Occasional sightings in migration.  Photos 

Hummingbird, Black-chinned - Common in summer - PhotosVideo. Video.  Video (Nesting) - Long.  Video (Nesting) Short   Video (Nesting) Very Short

Hummingbird, Blue-throated - Rare in summer in the Gila. 

Hummingbird, Broad-billed - Sighting in Hillsboro.  Photographs

Hummingbird, Broad-tailed - Common in summer, in Hillsboro the third most common hummingbird after Black-chinned and Rufous. Photographs

Hummingbird, Calliope - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. Photograph

Hummingbird, Rivoli's - Rare in summer in the Gila. Photographs from Hillsboro

Hummingbird, Rufous - Common during both migration periods - Photos 


Kingfisher, Belted - Uncommon in migration and winter and rare in summer in the Gila. 


Flicker, Northern (Red-shafted) - Common resident - Photos - Video. Photos.

Sapsucker, Red-naped - Fairly common resident - Photos

Sapsucker, Williamson's - Resident at higher elevations, more common in summer than winter

Woodpecker, Acorn - Common resident in the forested (especially oaks) sections of the Black Range, look at Iron Creek Campground - Photos.  Video

Woodpecker, American Three-toed -  Rare resident in the Gila. 

Woodpecker, Downy - Uncommon resident - Photos 

Woodpecker, Gila - Rare in summer in the Gila.

Woodpecker, Hairy - Common resident - PhotoVideo - Video

Woodpecker, Ladder-backed - More common on east side of the range than on the west.  Most prevalent Woodpecker in the area.  Photos. Video.  Video. Video. Video

Woodpecker, Lewis's - Uncommon in summer in the Gila. 


Falcon, Aplomado - Armendariz Ranch in eastern Sierra County has a hacking center where captive raised birds are being reintroduced.  Wild birds are possible. 

Falcon, Peregrine - Pair typically nests in the Animas drainage.  Video

Falcon, Prairie - Uncommon resident in the Gila.

Kestrel, American - Most common small falcon - Video

Merlin - Uncommon in migration and winter in the Gila.


Flycatcher, Ash-throated - Common in the summer in the Gila. Photograph

Flycatcher, Brown-crested - Rare in the summer in the Gila. 

Flycatcher, Cordilleran - Common in summer in the Gila. 

Flycatcher, Dusky - Fairly common in the summer in the Gila.

Flycatcher, Gray - Fairly common in the summer in the Gila. Photographs

Flycatcher, Hammond's - Fairly common in the summer in the Gila.

Flycatcher, Olive-sided - Fairly common in summer in the Gila. 

Flycatcher, Vermillion - Fairly common in the summer in the Gila.  Video

Flycatcher, Willow - Rare in summer in the Gila. 

Kingbird, Cassin's - Common in summer, noisy - Video. Video. Photographs

Kingbird, Eastern - Rare, seen in Hillsboro 

Kingbird, Western - Fairly common in summer - Photos 

Pewee, Greater - Rare in summer in the Gila. 

Phoebe, Black - Common in summer, near water, Percha Box -  Video

Phoebe, Say's - Common in summer. Photos.  Video.

Wood-Pewee, Western - Common in summer in the Gila. Photo


Shrike, Loggerhead - Fairly common in washes on east slope in winter, uncommon in summer - Photos 


Vireo, Bell's - Rare in the summer in the Gila.

Vireo, Cassin's - Rare in winter in the Gila.  Photos.

Vireo, Gray - Rare in the summer in the Gila.

Vireo, Hutton's - Uncommon in summer and rare in winter in the Gila.

Vireo, Plumbeous - Common in summer, nests in Carbonate Creek - Video.  Photos.

Vireo, Warbling - Common in summer and migration.  Video.  Photographs


Crow, American - Fairly common resident in the Gila. 

Jay, Mexican - Common resident in the Gila.  Video

Jay, Pinyon - Common resident, in Kingston watch for afternoon flocks Photographs

Jay, Steller's - Common resident at about 6,500 feet and higher - Photos 

Nutcracker, Clark's - Rarely seen but found along the Black Range Crest Trail - Photo 

Raven, Chihuahuan - Uncommon in winter, separate from Common Raven with care - Video

Raven, Common - Common resident, larger than Chihuahuan - Video. Video. Photographs. Video

Scrub-Jay, Woodhouse's - Common resident found from about 5,200 feet upward - Photos - Video.


Lark, Horned - Common resident in the Gila.  Very common in Nutt Grasslands during winter. 


Martin, Purple - Fairly common in the summer in the Gila.

Swallow, Bank - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Swallow, Barn - Uncommon during summer,common during migration - Photos.  Video

Swallow, Cliff - Fairly common in the summer in the Gila. Nest Photos

Swallow, Northern Rough-winged - Fairly common in summer.  Video

Swallow, Tree - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Swallow-Violet-green - Common in summer and in migration in the Gila.  Video


Chickadee, Mountain - Common, especially in mountain canyons above Kingston - Video - Video - Photos

Titmouse, Bridled - Fairly common resident in the Gila, observed in Hillsboro - Video - Photos

Titmouse,  Juniper - Fairly common resident in the Gila, usually found at and above Kingston, some years present in Hillsboro. Photographs


Verdin - Uncommon is summer, present in washes along the east slope Photograph


Bushtit - Common resident, from foothills on the east slope to the Black Range Crest Trail - Photos


Nuthatch, Pygmy - Common resident, look at campgrounds and along trails at higher elevations Photographs

Nuthatch, Red-breasted - Fairly common resident in the Gila.  Video. Video

Nuthatch, White-breasted - Fairly common resident in the Gila, annoyingly absent in Hillsboro at times, much more common along mountain trails - Video. Photos. Video


Creeper, Brown - Fairly common resident, check along the Hillsboro Peak Trail  - Photos


Wren, Bewick's - Found near homes in Hillsboro, common resident in the Gila - Photos. Video from Oregon and Hillsboro, New Mexico.

Wren, Cactus - Common, nests in cholla, especially in washes - Photographs

Wren, Canyon - Common resident in the Gila, observed in Hillsboro, easily found by wonderful song - Photos

Wren, (Northern) House - Common in summer - We recognize the Northern House Wren and the Southern House Wren as separate species - Photos

Wren, Marsh - Uncommon in the Gila during winter, observed in Hillsboro 

Wren, Pacific - Split from winter wren.

Wren, Rock - Common resident in the Gila, found along rock walls of washes on the east slope of the Black Range and at City of Rocks State Park - Photos


Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray - Fairly common in the summer in the Gila.  Video. Photos.


Dipper, American - Fairly common resident in the Gila. 


Kinglet, Golden-crowned - Fairly common resident in the Gila.

Kinglet, Ruby-crowned - Often in tangles in Hillsboro. Photos.  Video.


Bluebird, Eastern - Rare in winter in the Gila. - Photos - Video

Bluebird, Mountain - In the Gila, common in winter and fairly common in summer, breeding pairs seen in North Wick’s Canyon  - Photos  Video

Bluebird, Western - Common resident in the Gila, seen only in some years in Hillsboro - Video - Photos

Robin, American - Common resident - Photo - Video  Video

Solitare, Townsend's - Fairly common in winter and uncommon in summer in the Gila. Photo

Thrush, Hermit - Dependable along the Black Range Crest Trail, singing extensively in late spring and early summer - Photos - Video   Video

Thrush, Swainson's - In Hillsboro annual sightings, in the Gila rare in migration 


Catbird, Gray - Periodic visitor to Hillsboro.  Photos

Mockingbird, Northern - Fairly common in summer in the Gila and rare in the winter - Singing Birds in Hillsboro - Photograph

Thrasher, Crissal - Uncommon resident in the Gila.  Photograph

Thrasher, Curve-billed - Fairly common resident in the Gila, seen daily in Hillsboro - Photos - Video - Video - Video

Thrasher, Sage - Rarely found in washes on the east slope, uncommon in migration and the winter in the Gila - Photos


Starling, European - Common resident in Hillsboro, uncommon in the Gila  Video  Photographs


Pipit, American - Rarely seen in Hillsboro, more common in the flats near the foothills - Fairly common in migration in the Gila and uncommon in winter


Waxwing, Cedar - In the Gila fairly common in migration and uncommon in winter, in Kingston and Hillsboro fairly common but may require work, look especially in cottonwood trees with mistletoe - Photos - Video  Video (2018).  Video


Phainopepla - Common resident, search in cottonwood trees with mistletoe - Video.  Photos


Warbler, Olive - Black Range Crest Trail -  Photos


Chat, Yellow-breasted - Fairly common in summer in the Gila.  Photos from Hillsboro, Black Range

Ovenbird - One sighting in Hillsboro, in January - NM review species - Photos

Redstart, American - Uncommon in migration in the Gila.

Redstart, Painted - As breeding begins dependable in many mountain canyons.  Look at Lower Gallinas Campground or Middle Percha Creek.  Photos.  Video

Warbler, Black-and-white - Rare in migration in the Gila.

Warbler, Black-throated Gray - Fairly common in summer and migration in the Gila.  Video. Photograph

Warbler, Grace's - Look along the Black Range Crest Trail and farther north along the Continental Divide Trail, common in summer in the Gila - Photo

Warbler, Hermit - Uncommon in migration in the Gila.

Warbler, Lucy's - Fairly common in the summer in the Gila.

Warbler, MacGillivray's - Rare in summerin the Gila, In Hillsboro search in tangles. Video. Photos.

Warbler, Nashville - Uncommon in migration in the Gila. Photo

Warbler, Olive - Photographs

Warbler, Orange-crowned - Uncommon in summer and common in migration in the Gila.   Video. Photographs

Warbler, Red-faced - As breeding begins dependable in many mountain canyons.  Look at  Lower Gallinas Campground or Middle Percha Creek.  Photos

Warbler, Tennessee - Rare in migration in the Gila. 

Warbler, Townsend's - Fairly common in migration in the Gila. Photographs

Warbler, Virginia's - Fairly common in summer in the Gila, In Hillsboro look for this bird in tangles.  Photos.  Video  Video

Warbler, Wilson's - Common in migration in the Gila, in Hillsboro rarely present but generally stays for a few days when present - PhotosVideo  Video

Warbler, Yellow - Fairly common in summerin the Gila, surprisingly uncommon in Hillsboro. 

Warbler, Yellow-rumped - Audubon’s is regular in Hillsboro, in the Gila common in summer and migration and uncommon in winter - Photos 

Waterthrush, Northern -  Uncommon in migration in the Gila. 

Yellowthroat, Common -  Uncommon in summer and common in migration in the Gila. 


Bunting, Lark - Present only in some years in Hillsboro, in the Gila rare in winter and fairly common in migration Photos

Junco, Dark-eyed (Grey-headed) - Uncommon to Common - Photos - Video. Video  Video

Junco, Dark-eyed (Oregon) - Common - Photo

Junco, Dark-eyed (Pink-sided) - Common - PhotosVideo

Junco, Dark-eyed (Red-backed) -  Uncommon

Junco, Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) - Uncommon Photos

Sparrow, Black-chinned - On east slope hillsides above dry washes, often with Black-throated Sparrows.  Uncommon in winter in the Gila.

Sparrow, Black-throated - Very plentiful in washes around Hillsboro, uncommon resident in the Gila - Photos  Video

Sparrow, Brewer's - Common in washes near water sources like windmills or springs.  In the Gila common in migration and uncommon in winter. 

Sparrow, Cassin's - Few sightings in Hillsboro, does not tend to stay - Photos

Sparrow, Chipping - In the Gila abundant in migration, common in summer, and uncommon in winter.  In Hillsboro common, numbers are variable, skittish. - Photos Video  Video

Sparrow, Clay-colored - When present tends to be reliable for weeks at a time in Hillsboro, uncommon.  Video.   Photos

Sparrow, Fox - Reliable when present but absent some years.  “Red” Fox Sparrow subspecies is present here, west of established winter range.  Rare in winter and migration inthe Gila.  Video. Video. Photos

Sparrow, Golden-crowned - Rare - Photos from Hillsboro

Sparrow, Harris's - Rare in migration in the Gila, present during some years in Hillsboro during the winter and then reliable - Photos - VideoVideo

Sparrow, Lark - When present in Hillsboro, dependable for long periods.  Fairly common in summer in the Gila - Photos 

Sparrow, Lincoln's - Uncommon in winter and common in migration in the Gila, reliable for several weeks when present in Hillsboro.  Video - Video - Photos  Video

Sparrow, Rufous-crowned - Fairly common in summer and rare in winter in the Gila.  Photo.

Sparrow, Savannah - Most likely to be seen in migration in Hillsboro.  Fairly common in migration and uncommon in winter in the Gila 

Sparrow, Song - Rarely seen in Hillsboro, fairly common in the winter in the Gila. 

Sparrow, Swamp - Rare in winter andmigration in the Gila. 

Sparrow, Vesper - Fairly common in migration, rare in summer, and uncommon in winter - Photos 

Sparrow, White-crowned - Easily seen in Hillsboro with two subspecies seen during migration, Common in winter and abundant in migration in the Gila - PhotosVideo

Sparrow, White-throated - Common in Hillsboro.  In the Gila common in winter and abundant in migration - Photos  - Video

Towhee, Abert's - Rare resident in the Gila.

Towhee, Canyon - Common in Hillsboro, in the Gila fairly common resident - Photos - Video - Video

Towhee, Green-tailed - When present in Hillsboro usually stays for extended periods.  In the Gila, common in migration and rare in winter - Video - Photos

Towhee, Spotted - Common in the Black Range and the Gila - Photos - Video


Bunting, Indigo - Rare in summer in the Gila, when it is present in Hillsboro it is reliable for several days at a time - Photo  - Video

Bunting, Lazuli - Fairly common in migration and less so in summer, in Hillsboro.  In the Gila, uncommon in summer. - Photos - Video

Bunting, Painting - Rarely seen in Hillsboro, usually in garden areas or scrub. Photographs

Cardinal, Northern - Uncommon resident in the Gila.  Photos Video Summers in, and may breed, in Hillsboro.

Dickcissel - Rarely seen in Hillsboro, usually in garden areas or scrub. Video  Photos

Grosbeak, Black-headed - Common in summer in both the Gila and Hillsboro - Photos - Video   Video

Grosbeak, Blue -  In Hillsboro common in migration, less so in summer.  In the Gila it is common in summer. - PhotosVideo

Grosbeak, Rose-breasted - In Hillsboro, several individuals are usually reliable during migration, rare in migration in the Gila.  Photos.  Video

Pyrrhuloxia - Fairly common in Hillsboro, uncommon in winter in the Gila. Photo. Video

Tanager, Hepatic - Fairly common in summer in the Gila.

Tanager, Summer - Fairly common in summer in the Gila.  Video. Photographs

Tanager, Summer x Western - Video. Photographs

Tanager, Western - Common in summer, during a season multiple plumage stages may be seen in Hillsboro - Photos 


Blackbird, Brewer's -  Common in summer and migration and rare in winter in the Gila.

Blackbird, Red-winged - Sporadic in Hillsboro, generally in small flocks.  Common in migration, fairly common in summer, and uncommon in winter in the Gila. 

Blackbird, Yellow-headed - In Hillsboropresent in small numbers on occasion.  In the Gila it is uncommon in summer and winter.  Photo.

Cowbird, Bronzed - Occasional in summer in Hillsboro.  Common in summer and rare in winter in the Gila.  Photos  Video Video

Cowbird, Brown-headed - Common in summer and spring in Hillsboro.  Common in summer and rare in winter in the Gila.  Photos.

Grackle, Common - Rarely seen in Hillsboro - Video

Grackle, Great-tailed - Occasional in summer in Hillsboro.  Uncommon resident in the Gila. 

Meadowlark, Eastern -  Common in summer and rare in winter in the Gila. 

Meadowlark, Western - In Hillsboro present in small numbers on occasion.  In the Gila it is fairly common in summer and uncommon in winter. Photo

Oriole, Baltimore - One documented record in Hillsboro.  Photo Video

Oriole, Bullock's - Fairly common in spring and summer in Hillsboro.  In the Gila it is fairly common in summer.  Video. Photographs

Oriole, Hooded - Common in spring and summer in Hillsboro.  In the Gila it is uncommon in summer.  Video. Video. Photographs

Oriole, Scott's - Seen some years during spring in Hillsboro.  Look in the flats south of Lake Valley.  In the Gila it is uncommon in summer.  Photos


Finch, Cassin's - One sighting in Hillsboro.  In the Gila it is fairly common in winter and migration.  Video. Photos (2 sets).

Finch, House - Easily seen in Hillsboro.  In the Gila it is a common resident.  Photos. Video

Goldfinch, American - In Hillsboro presence varies.  In the Gila it is fairly common in winter.  Photo.  Video

Goldfinch, Lawrence's - Review species in NM - Recorded in Hillsboro. Photos Video

Goldfinch, Lesser - In Hillsboro, some years it is abundant and in some more sporadic, very small number in winter.  In the Gila it is fairly common in summer.  Photos.  Video. Video

Grosbeak, Evening - Rare in winter in the Gila.  Seen in Hillsboro.  Photos

Siskin, Pine - Easily seen in Hillsboro.  In the Gila it is common in the winter and migration and fairly common in summer.  
Photos.  Video. Photographs   Video (2018)


Sparrow, House - Easily seen in Hillsboro. Video  Video  Photograph

© Robert Barnes 2018-2024