A story from the early days of the Anglo settlement of the Black Range, as told by Mildred Rea.
”My grandparents, Jay and Louise Barnes, came to Chloride in the early spring of 1881, bringing their daughter and only child, Alice, who was to become my mother. She was sixteen at the time. The Santa Fe Railroad was being built from the north towards El Paso, Texas, and toward juncture with the railroad being built eastward from the Pacific Coast. It had been completed as far as San Marcial, a little town on the east side of the Rio Grande, which now lies beneath the water of the lake created by the Elephant Butte Dam. The Barnes family rode the train as far as San Marcial, then took the stage coach to Chloride, some seventy miles in a southwesterly direction, lying in the foothills of the Black Range. A rich silver strike had been made there not long before...”
This is history of the first and second-hand, Mildred Rea’s experiences and the family history told to her by her grandparents and parents. It is a fascinating cut of the history of the Black Range. This series of blogs ran on The Black Range Rag during the summer and fall of 2015. This “Blogs to Books” offering is provided as a .pdf.
- Spell of the Black Range This file is 14.2 MB in size.
The digital world is dynamic. There is always the possibility that you could finish it and let it lie - the following is our effort not to do that.
We have found several references to the Barnes/Fulghums from other sources including the Black Range Newspaper:
- The March 2, 1883 issue of the Black Range newspaper notes that “Mrs. Barnes is erecting an addition to her residence.”
- The March 16, 1883 issue of the Black Range newspaper notes that “Mrs. Barnes has completed the several improvements made on her premises."
- The April 20, 1883 issue of The Black Range newspaper has an article which references Alice Barnes as a bridesmaid.
- The July 13, 1883 issue of The Black Range newspaper has entry about Jay Barnes of Hillsboro visiting family in Chloride.
- August 24, 1883 - Alice and Mother go to a party.
- September 14, 1883 - Alice and Mother go on an outing to Diamond Creek.
- Diary of the Hunt, Ed Tittman’s account of a hunt which he went on in November 1909 in the Black Range - references the Fulghum place at the Ingersol Mine several times.
- Alice Barnes named teacher: November 9, 1883
- School Begins: November 16, 1883
- Alice Barnes is a great teacher: December 7, 1883 December 14, 1883 December 28, 1883
- Jay Barnes part owner of mine in Kingston & The first month of Alice Barnes’ school class:
December 21, 1883 - January 4, 1884. Alice Barnes begins new school term at the School in Chloride
- January 11, 1884. Alice Barnes attends social.
- January 24, 1884. Jay Barnes visits Chloride and is working on “promising prospect in North Percha”. On page 10 of "The Spell of the Black Range" there is a reference to Jay Barnes’ partner, a Charles Vanalstine, this may be the person referred to as an “Austrian named Raubitzcheck.” — Alice Barnes is Secretary of Ladies Society in Chloride.
- February 1, 1884. Alice Barnes goes on “strike” over wages.
- February 15, 1884. Alice Barnes plays organ at a party. Jay Barnes sells his part of Ingersoll mine.
- February 22, 1884. Ladies Society, Alice Barnes Secretary.
- February 29, 1884. Alice Barnes selected as school teacher for new year.
- March 7, 1884. School starts.
- May 2, 1884. One more month of school.
- May 30, 1884. The Ingersoll mine which was so prominent in Alice Barnes’ life is mentioned.
- June 20, 1884. School is out for the year, Alice Barnes receives high praise.
***To be continued***