September 1883



Wondering what a U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor did and
why they advertised in The Black Range Newspaper?  
See Manual of Instructions to US Deputy Mineral Surveyors
for the instructions in 1894 for the District of Utah.  File is 5.5 MB.

mt lions

From the Front Page

“If the erection of a copper smelter at Socorro depends upon this or any section of New Mexico, furnishing fifty tons per day of ore that will bear an expense for transportation of thirty-five or forty dollars per ton, it will not be put up soon. The Black range has eight prospects which have ore that has been shipped to Denver with profit, and there are others that can do as well, but this ore was carefully sorted and was not to be had in such quantities as fifty tons per day. It is nonsense to talk of such a thing.”

From the Second Page

“The A.T.& S. F. round house and coal sheds at Deming were destroyed by fire last week.”

“The Jicarilla Indians have been removed from their late reservation in Rio Arriba county to the Mescalero reservation in Lincoln county. These are a mean, troublesome savage, and will not be warmly welcomed by Lincoln county's citizens.”

“Evidently there is more talk than play about the Socorro base ball club.  The Albuquerque boys went down to the gem city this week and beat the Socorro club as badly as it wanted to. The score stood Socorro five, Albuquerque twenty eight.”

“The forests of northern Arizona and New Mexico are being depleted at the rate of millions of feet per month for use in building railroads in Mexico and the newspapers of the land are uniting in the query: "Is there no means by which this thing can be stopped ?" Is there?”

“The voters of the county should not commit the usual  blunder this full, viz: elect Catholic priests to the offices of school directors.  Priests are the most deadly foes to public schools in the first place, and in the second they are incompetent to qualify not being the heads of families as school directors are by statute required to be.”

“Some of the chief admirers of Shakespeare intend to exhume his remains to see if he resembles the portrait of himself now in existence. It is quite probable that he does for he has only been dead three hundred years and that shouldn't change a man's personal appearance. He will probably look a little stiff and transparent but his friends will overlook these small matters.”


“There is considerable humanity about the Chinese. No sooner does the laws of the United States bar them out of this country than they became crazy to get here and they are now smuggling themselves in at every available point. The borders of British Columbia are easiest to pass so most of them come that way, but many land secretly on the coast and at the chief ports as well as at unfrequented points.”

“The Socorro Sun of the 2nd contains the following item of news: “Ben Thompson, foreman of the Gila cattle company, was killed this week in the San Mateo mountains. He was driving a herd of 1,700 head of cattle to the ranches and was encamped with his men on the east Rosa. In company with an another he followed several bears and succeeded in killing three.  They stopped about dusk to cook some meat. In bending over the fire Thompson's revolver fell from the scabbard and the weapon exploded, sending a ball into his side. He died immediately, and was buried by his companions."

“The most unkind thing that the E! Paso Lone Star has ever said about its contemporary the Times, is thai the Times clips its mining news from the Lone Star. The Lone Star manufactures much of its New Mexico mining news in its own office judging by several items which have occurred in its columns lately a sample of which speaks of the tunnel of the "Hagan’s Peak Tunnel company, of Golden," being 150 feet long and work progressing.  The Hagan's Peak Tunnel company and the only one that the Range ever heard of is operated near Chloride and it hasn't done a stroke of work for three months or more and as affairs with the  company now appear it never will resume.  The Times deserves censure if the Lone Star's charge is true.”

From the Third Page

The articles appearing on the right side of this post.  The baseball/horse racing clips were under the “Fairview” heading.  The article about the fight at the Silver Monument is under the “Chloride” heading.

Fairview: “A little reckless shooting has occurred in the streets by drunks during the past week which will be apt to cost a little more on repetition - take warning.”

Fairview: “The foul air in the Black Knife has delayed the work considerable. Forty of the fifty foot contract has been done with an average of twenty inches of mineral throughout.”

Fairview: “Taylor and Brockway are digging a well hoping to get water In the gulch traversed by the Fairview and Edward's camp trail In the Cuchillo Negro mountains. If they are successful they will move the Fairview black smith shop, house and all which they have purchased, up to their claims and take up their permanent abode there.”

Fairview: “The Tip Top has struck another character of mineral in the shaft this week. The work being done Is vertical while the vein dips at an angle of sixty-five or seventy decrees. Commencing on the hanging wall the shaft, is down about thirty feet has left the upper wall and has cut through a number of different peculiarities in the shape of mineralized quartz, spars, etc, and has now encountered a dense, stained rock, which from appearance ought to run well in copper. The width of the vein at the present development is nearly twenty feet with no foot wall in view.”

Chloride: “Charlie Canfield's family has moved over to the Colossal mine to keep him company.”

Chloride: “The new contract on the Colossal employs two shifts. There is very bad air in the end of the tunnel.”

silver monument trouble

Chloride: “The bond which the Range mentioned as having been given on the Silver Monument to H. W. Moore, expired on the fifth without action.”

Chloride: “A grape wagon from Canada de Alamosa visited Chloride last Sunday and brought out the citizens like buzzards to a carcass. The first taste of any thing like fruit in this town this season was appreciated. The grapes went off at fifteen cents per pound, weight estimated.”

Chloride: “The same yellow dog which last spring saved the life of D. C. Cantwell when a bear was about to embrace him, did equal service for his master Benny Williams, last week on the Palomas, when amountain lion calculated to wreak vengeance upon him. He approached within about fifty feet of the lion and had put a bullet through him when the animal came for him. The dog seeing the movement tackled the varmint and kept his attention until his master had put enough lead into the beast to command silence. It took two bullets through the body behind the shoulder and one through another vital part to accomplish this and Benny thinks that be would have been bleaching bones now but for his four footed comrade, This is one dog that pays his keeping.”

Chloride: “Eugene Knapp has made a new discovery about a quarter of a mile south of the Silver Monument mine. It carries much the same character of ore as its illustrious neighbor but the size of the ore crevice has not yet been determined. Eugene has made two locations on the lead discovered and named them the Columbus and Humboldt. On the former he shows, ore in five places, and on the latter in three places and he has not prospected them at all carefully either. The chief recommendation of these claims is the value of the ore.  From rock taken from the Columbus three assays have been made, one from the surface going twenty-one ounces and the two others take from four or five feet depth giving 299 and 580 ounces of silver respectively.  The owner is at present doing some work on his new properties, and if they hold out they will be exceedingly valuable.  The discoveries that are being made up at the head of Chloride creek, prove that to be an an exceedingly rich district.”

Chloride: “J. H. Mooney, a ranchman of the north Palomas, has left at this office for identification a two foot rule bearing the letters B. L. rudely carved upon it, that be recently found on the stream where he is located at a point about a mile below where the Hermosa and Chloride road leaves the valley going south. In proximity to the rule Mr. Mooney discovered the bones of a man and the clothing supposed to have been worn by the person in life. The bones would indicate that the man was of medium size, and the suspenders show that be was no Mexican. The pantaloons were brown duck overalls! riveted, and specimens of ore lying beside the remains suggest that the unknown was a prospector. The skull was missing as were also many other bones, but these may have been carried away by the current since the ones which remained lay close to the stream. It is impossible to tell how long the skeleton has lain there, but the bones are bleached and dry as if they bad been there long. The spot where they were found was but a short distance below the place where the pioneer, Harry Pie, met his death at the hands of the Indians, and from the fact that no gun or any other articles of value have been discovered in the vicinity of these remains it is quite probable that the red devils made a victim of the unknown.   The skeleton which Mr. Mooney mentions has been seen by most of the old timers here but they paid little or no attention to it.  The rule found may not have been the property of the deceased but as there is a chance that it did it is just to give the matter a publicity that somebody may be found to clear up the mystery. The letters carved upon it may furnish a clue for some body to work up.”

From Page Four

Page four was devoted to the usual “Foolishness” and ads.  For example:

“"Please to give me something, sir?  Says an old woman. "I had a blind child ; he was my only means of subsistence, and the poor boy has recovered his sight!"

“Elderly philanthropist to small boy vainly trying to full a door-bell above his reach: "Let me help you my little man." (Pulls the bell.) Small boy "Now you had better run or we'll both get a licking.”

The complete edition may be read at: The Black Range Newspaper, issue of September 7,1883.  The file is 2.3 MB in size.




Taffy Tofoya Preisser, born in Hillsboro on October 28, 1912
and died in Las Cruces on July 21, 1979, was the
grandson of Aloys Preisser.  Aloys Preisser may be the
person named postmaster of Las Palomas on June 9, 1881.

aloyshagan tunnel 91483

From Page One

The most interesting thing on page one was the ad above.

From Page Two

“C. W. Greene has decided to move his Kingston Tribune to Deming.  Kingston will now offer a good field for a journalist who is content to creep with the town until both are large enough to walk.  Mr. Green never yet was satisfied to run a sheet the size of his town, hence he is kept moving.”

Foreseeing Brexit, there was this:  “England would not allow a tunnel to be constructed under the English channel to connect the island and continent because of the opportunity it would give a hostile army to invade her name, dominion, and now a new terror is upon her when an adventurous man shows her an equally great damage threatening, by crossing the straits on a floating bicycle. Where one man can go an army ran follow.”

From Page Three

Chloride: “Last fall pinon nuts and acorns were plentiful.   This year there are none of either.”

Chloride: “Capt. Blain has finished assessment work on the Nane and Apache claims and is very much pleased with the appearance of the ore streaks as they now appear.”

Chloride: “London capitalists have written to Dr. Reekie, asking him to purchase them a copper mine. Anyone having such a property can find a purchaser by addressing the doctor at Chloride.”

Chloride:  “Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Chamberlain and their son Clifford, Mrs. Barnes and Ed Magner went up to the Black Knight camp the first of the week, Mr. Chamberlain to hunt bear and the others to fish on Diamond creek. Alice Barnes and Geo. Turner followed the first party yesterday morning to assist in bringing in the result of the sport.  The whole crowd expect to return today.”

Chloride: “There is a rule in connection with the new two cent postal law that no letters will be forwarded unless the postage is paid In full. There will be no more "due three cents," for unsufficientlv stamped envelopes. An old rule which will be in forced henceforth is that on letters to be registered the county as well as the town and state must be included in the direction. People will please recollect these facts and save themselves trouble.”

Chloride: “J. II. Weston has returned to England intent on the sale of the Dreadnaught mine to foreign capitalists. He came down to Socorro with Geo. B. McAuley and met J. M. Smith there last week.  The Range prays with the utmost fervency of an unbelieving sinner that Mr. W. will be successful this trip for it would enjoy seeing the Dreadnaught developed in a  workmanlike manner. That it would make a new country of this there is little doubt.”


Chloride: “Messrs. Dunn and Love are greatly pleased with the fine showing which their present work is making on their White Shield claim. Their shaft is over forty feet deep and contains such foul air that it is impossible to work much, so they just put a shot in there when they can and do most of their development in a tunnel which runs in on the vein opening it a length of sixty-five feet. Their mineral crevice is nearly two feet wide in the face of the tunnel with a streak of high grade ore several inches wine that will run several hundred dollars in silver. There is constant improvement with each foot progressed and the claim is a valuable one.”

Chloride: “The rich ore which the work under the new contract is bringing out of the Colossal mine is the subject of many congratulations in this camp. The new shaft was started by cutting out on the right side of the tunnel so as not to interfere with the track and the sinking began on the hanging wall.  The shaft was made straight to cross the ledge as it dipped and catch the foot wall where all the mineral had heretofore been found. It was with surprise therefore that the workmen after sinking a few feet began to come upon kidneys of richer ore than that previously discovered lying in the talc.  The deposits as sinking progressed grew larger and quite a quantity of the ore has already been dumped with the body of ore in sight increasing constantly and the old ore streak on the hanging wall not yet touched. Superintendent McMillan is now engaged in building an ore house for the storage of the wealth being unearthed. All doubt as to the possibility of the Colossal making a mine has well nigh vanished.”

Chloride: “Chloride's concentrator is a pretty well assured fact.  A card received Wednesday night by Dr. Haskell from Mr. Castle at Central City, Colorado, contains the information upon which the Range makes the statement. The tests at the Black Hawk works had not all been made when Mr. Castle wrote, only the ores of which the largest quantities having been taken had been tested.  The remainder would to put through the next day. Of those tested Mr. C says the Silver Monument worked easiest and the White Signal next although the Colossal, Alta and Monte Christo worked well and the Midnight fair. The Buffum, Dreadnaught and Little Pittsburg work difficult and not satisfactorily and the Palomas Chief washed all away. The value of the concentrations were not known be cause the assays had not been made when the card was written. The Black Hawk mill was not at all satisfactory as it stood but some supplemented machinery was secured by Mr. Castle which made the plant entirely satisfactory in its working. Mr. Castle in closing his note remarked that "From present indications you will have concentrating and sampling works combined in Chloride soon.  This is good news and while it is not conclusive and final yet it is enough to warrant a pleasant smile among us, and should be an inducement for those who have ore producing properties to go to taking out mineral.”

Page Four was limited to ads and “Foolishness”.  

The entire edition may be read at: The Black Range newspaper, issue of September 14, 1883, the file is 2.2 MB in size.


 Silver Monument 91483



The print quality continues to improve in the Black Range newspaper.


From Page One

Gen. W. T. Sherman arrived at Albuquerque last Saturday and was wined, dined and feted by the hob-no- there.  

Chinese emigration is striking Socorro.  Johnny generally goes where there is a good showing for money.

The secretary of the interior has confirmed the grant that holds the city of Albuquerque, setting to rest the dispute of title to property there.

The Lake Valley post-master is giving the Kingston post-master H--- for irregularities.  There are more post-masters in New Mexico that need the same overhauling.

Petroleum has been discovered in several places in Colorado in paying quantities. This will be apt to break the eastern monopolies, and cause a decline in the price of kerosene.

The officers of the Oklahoma company of which Payne is president, have at last been arrested. They have been trying for government property long enough and ought to be rewarded. The penitentiary is government real estate.

Denver is going to have a professional base ball nine. The victories of the Leadville Blues and the consequent honor have at last awakened Denver to the fact that she is  behind on the national game in Colorado, consequently a team will be got together to try to scoop Leadville.


The Billing smelter at Socorro is making Colorado men offer inducements.  So long as they had the monopoly New Mexico had to get along the best she could. But when a man who had run a large and successful smelter in Leadville takes the field and brings a reputation as a shrewd business man and thorough smelter to bear against them, they immediately hunt for terms. The mining men would do well to let them hunt.  By patronizing home industries they will build up a smelting center in southern New Mexico which will advance their interests ten fold to what Colorado can. Colorado is for herself first, last and all time. Let New Mexico be the same.

From Page Two

The French have had a battle between Honoi and Sontay China, with the black flags, losing two officers and fifty men, and killing between 500 and 600. Rioters in Canton are waging war against Europeans.

From Page Three

The articles which appear on the right side of this blog -- 

Grafton: By the way the Grafton boys are daily practicing base ball we should judge that they soon propose to challenge the best nine in Chicago.

Grafton: O. Frauks had on exhibition here this week some fine potatoes, weighing from one to two pounds, which were raised at the head of Bear creek.

Diamond Creek

Grafton: Capt. C. C. Harris and wife after weeks work taking views and photographs in and around Grafton, have folded their tent and departed for the south, stopping a few days in Chloride.  They will go by the way of Hillsboro and Kingston to Old Mexico.

Fairview: Tom Chambers is back at his old post, driving the Grafton stage.

Fairview: Ten wagons loaded with salt from the lakesabove, halted in Fairview Wednesday night. Their destination was Georgetown.

Fairview: Major Day is doing assessment on the Daylight lode, one of the spar lodes that Colonel Nulton got his fluxes from last spring.

Fairview: A Black Knife assay to hand late this week gives ten ounces gold and forty ounces silver. How is that for the Cuchillos?

Fairview: Mr. Alexander discontinues to run his milk wagon this week as a regular daily. The milk war last spring brought the prices so low that there was nothing to be made in the business, so Mr. A proposes to make butter  and run a wagon when he can do so with certainty of disposing of his milk.

Chloride: Dr. Haskell has received news that the concentrator is purchased and that Mr. Castle expects to make Chloride his home this winter.

Chloride: Dalglish and Plemmons have commenced assessment work on the Richards, Dorsey, Wolverine, and Dutch Girl properties on South Fork.

Hagen's Peak Tunnel

Chloride: Bob McBride and Oscar Pfotenhauer have finished the assessment on the Black Bear lode for Kingsbury Bros.  They have taken out some good looking mineral.

Chloride: Bob Norton brings in word that Charlie McComas is offered for ransom at the sum of $1300 and that $1000 of he amount was raised in Silver City in a short time.

Chloride: H. S. Sherrard reports sixty-nine foot of his tunnel on the Humboldt Mining company completed. He has got easy ground and is pushing the work with three shifts.

Chloride: L. Arnold has hung out his shingle as a dentist on the old Monte Christo building. Now is the time to get your teeth set and filled for the winter campaign of case hardened beef-steak. Mr. A. will not remain long, his stay being controlled by the amount of business.

Chloride: Sixteen feet of water stood in Westerman's well yesterday morning.  After working through twenty-five feet of cement and at an estimated depth of sixty-two feet a current of water was encountered which rose till it stands at the above figures. An artesian well would be an easy possibility.

Chloride:  A free and easy gent went through the emigrant train near Engle night be before last making a raise of a revolver, some money and a satchel, but in jumping off the train hurt himself and was captured and taken to Engle. A special constable set to guard him got drunk and next morning had no prisoner.

Chloride: George Turner has sold his business to Chas. F, Winters & Co, and intends to take a vacation. Mr. T. is so closely identified with the mining interests of the range that his leaving us for the present is out of question. Chas. F. Winters is so well known to the range people that comment is unnecessary, success in his new departure lies with him more than in good wishes. See notice elsewhere.

Page Four contained “Foolishness” and ads.  

A complete copy of this issue may be read at: The Black Range newspaper, issue of September 21, 1883, the file is 2.2 MB in size.

Preying Mantis 1

preying mantis 2



preying mantis 2

The complete issue may be read at: The Black Range newspaper, issue of September 28, 1883.  The file size is 2.3 MB.

© Robert Barnes 2018-2024