The Black Range increased the number of illustrations
in its paper to 3 with this issue. The illustration of
“The Great English Remedy” joins the other two in this issue.

Page 1: Silver City has established a pest house for smallpox patients and $50 has been appropriated by the city council to provide vaccine matter for the free use of the people. The city will likewise have a hospital built. Silver City believes in locking the barn ere the horse is stolen, which exhibits wisdom on its part.

KINGSTON TRIBUNE / DEMING (Tribune having moved to Deming)
Page 1: His contemporaries are giving C. W Greene of the Kingston Tribune an unprecedented amount of free advertising. If he don't work into an excellent business in his new field it will not be their fault. When so many editors are hammering at a single one of their number, the public knows that the object of their wrath must amount to something and they patronize him accordingly.
Page 3: Until a contemporary mentioned the fact that the Deming Headlight had cut its exchange with the territorial weeklies, the Range had not noticed the absence of the little jerkwater. The Tribune is all the exchange that the Range cares for from Deming anyhow. The Headlight was a poor, snarling, growling cur when a weekly, and as a daily it is six times worse.

Page 1: The Kuklux outrages in the south have been dealt a death blow by the conviction at Atlanta of eight prisoners, members of this order who committed outrages on poor negroes because they voted for an opposing candidate. The prisoners were among the wealthiest and influential of their district. The south must be changing greatly to make such a conviction possible.
Page 1: The telegraph brings the news that the cold wintry weather is driving the hostile Apaches back to the comfort able San Carlos reservation and the United States forces having received word of their coming has gone to meet them with the prodigal calf and oysters. The frontiersmen whose families have been murdered and whose' stock has been stolen will feel cheerful and pleased to see such justice meted out by Uncle Sam. He knows that too high living is liable to produce gout and dyspepsia.

Page 1: The supreme court of the United States pow says that the civil rights bill, which at the close of the war stated that a "nigger" was just as good as a white man, is unconstitutional and without effect except in the territories. The general government has, in other words, a right to make this statement in its exclusive dominion but has no power to make the sovereign states agree with her. Here is the old states rights cropping out. Despite the law the fact remains that the well behaved negro is better than the white person who feels himself degraded by his company.
Page 2: Lordsburg, this territory, has had a $50,000 fire. There can hardly be a great deal left of that small burg.
Page 2: At an election or the Sierra companies in Philadelphia on the 15th ult. R P. Smith was elected president of the Grande company, E. Yarnall president of the Bella and Prof. E. D. Cope President of the Apache. The companies resolved to try and get the A. T. & S. F. railroad company to build a road from Nutt to Lake Valley.
PAGE 2: The amount of cattle and horsestealing now going on in the southern part of this territory seems to demand another raid of Col. Fountain's militia. The newspapers may say what they please in defense of the sheriffs of Grant and Dona Ana counties but the fact cannot be overlooked that these officials do not interfere with the safe prosecution of the "rustling" business, and some other means of putting a stop to the lawlessness is an absolute requirement. Major Fountain took a large dose of abuse for his acts in this direction but the only fault that should have been found with him was that he did not continue his raid upon the thieves for a longer period.
PAGE 3: Horses here in the range bring higher prices than any other point in New Mexico. Nothing is too scrubby to bring fifty dollars and anything of an average quality brings a hundred. The demand for animals is not great at present but sales are made at these prices frequently.

Page 3: Fresh oysters on hand and for sale at the Chloride hotel restaurant.
Page 3: The proprietors of the Iron King mine at Kingston, have begun the foundation of a seventy-ton smelter which will be erected without delay. Kingston is coming to the front rapidly.
Page 3: Within the past two weeks Alphonse Bouquet of Canada de Alamosa has lost fourteen head of cattle from an unknown disease. The cattle were in good flesh, showed no symptoms of sickness but simply lay down and quit breathing. When they began dying he had them confined in a not too clean inclosure but he let them out and drove them into the mountains without bettering the matter any. The vitals of the diseased stock showed them to be spongy and without any elasticity or strength.
Page 3: The Royal Arch is about ready to resume business with its new boiler, and the first of the week will witness the commencement of the clearing of the shaft of water.
Page 3: The formation is slightly changing for the belter in the Alaska drift. Better progress is now being made in driving the drift than at any time since it started.
Page 3: The assessment work on the properties owned by Jas. Sweet and others of Nebraska City, was completed on the 31st ult, by Thomas Maloney. On the following the work was continued in the old shafts: Pioneer, Goodenough, Yellowstone and Juanita, and the Surprise. The work on the Grand Prize San Antonio and Hoosier was done on the surface. The contract stipulated that ten feet should be sunk from the bottoms of the shafts and twelve and one half feet from the surface.
Page 3: See clips on the right side.
Page 3: Just as the detectives are preparing to start in search of Turner and Moody they made their appearance, returning from the county seat, the former wearing a brand-new fourteen dollar suit of clothes. These are pretty dull times for an exhibition of so much style.
Page 3: Dr. Perkins, he of short but notorious residence in Chloride, escaped from the Silver City jail where he was confined one night this week. Three other prisoners escaped with him. A reward of five hundred dollars is offered for the capture of the lot.
The complete issue is available at: The Black Range Newspaper, issue of November 2, 1883, the file is 2.4 MB in size.


In the last issue, The Black Range Newspaper, published its third ad
with an illustration, this week they added to the mix with something
akin to an illustration, the ad above -
bringing the total “illustrations” per issue to four.

From Page One: Ed.: The long article to the right in this post. In “Death Valley and the Amargosa: A Land of Illusion” Richard E. Lingenfelter states that George D. Roberts was “subsequently credited with inventing the shotgun system of salting placers; with salting Comstock drilling samples right under the nose of the crafty Bonanza King Jim Fair; and with masterminding that most infamous salting of all, the Great Diamond Swindle of 1872. He also became a master of the stock deal on the San Francisco exchanges, ballooning mining shares to fancy prices on nothing but hot air, skillfully unloading, selling short, and then popping the ballon to fleece the lambs both going up and coming down. In 1879 he joined the exodus to the East, and with Senator Jones and other sharps, he opened the new American Mining Stock Exchange ... but his biggest schemes were with the New York Stock Exchange”. (p.146) And you know there has to be a local connection - George D. Roberts was the mastermind behind the Sierra Grande scam in Lake Valley.
From Page Two: Gardner the murderer, one of the party of four who broke jail at Silver City last week has been recaptured and so has Dr. Perkins whose offence is contempt of court.
From Page Two: One of the new uses to which copper is being applied is roofing. There is no such thing as wear out to copper, and at present prices it is hardly twice as expensive as tin. When the immense copper fields of New Mexico are fully opened up copper will be still cheaper.
From Page Two: Professor Langhammer of Albuquerque, who recently visited the Hagan’s Peak tunnel made a report on the property which as published in the Albuquerque Journal occupied nearly three columns space. The Journal in speaking editorially of the tunnel scheme says: "The Hagan's Peak Tunnel and Mining company's stock is rapidly advancing in value and when Professor Langhammer's report, in this issue, is read the property will take each a boom as to even astonish its friends. Few people in New Mexico recognize that this enterprise is one of the grandest pieces of work in the territory. You will be interested if you read the report on another page of this paper.”
From Page Two: The Mexican population of Socorro don't wish a public school and since the election by which the district was organized, these people have been circulating a petition asking the county commissioners to set said election aside as of no effect. Of course the commissioners cannot lawfully do this but the attempt to have It done shows the disfavor with which the native population view the free school system. Of course it isn't the Mexican as a parent and citizen who so persistently objects to being educated but rather the Mexican as a Catholic ruled by the priest. The native inhabitant of New Mexico cannot become a progressive citizen until he crawls from under the crushing hand of the priest, but this he is rapidly doing as may be noted with pleasure.
From Page Three: Grafton is a genuine temperance town. There has been no "drunks" in it since the cow-boys left some two weeks ago.
From Page Three: The Little Granite will be worked by O. C. Knisley the owner, in a very short time. He will ship ore to the concentrator if that institution will do the fair thing.

From Page Three: H. C McKay and other partners will have assessment work done on the Henry Clay and other claims on South Fork. Work will commence next week.
From Page Three: The Alaska cross-cut is in better ground this week and better progress is being made. The ground is yet tough and is liable to be so for some time. As yet but little water is encountered.
From Page Three: Burt D. Mason surveyed Alaska No. 2, lying east of the Alaska and belonging to the Chicago and New Mexico Mining company, on the 3d and 5th instant, for patent. Four claims belonging to this company are already patented and Superintendent J. B. Adams is now in Mesilla with papers for the John A. Logan and Mountain Chief claims on Mineral creek.
From Page Three: Five men are at work on the Colossal mine taking out ore and another shipment will soon be ready.
From Page Three: Tom Evans is burning a kiln of lime to be used in the construction of the concentrator. He is at work up Chloride gulch.
From Page Three: Trumbor yesterday surveyed the site of the concentrator for a mill site for Mr. Castle and also the ranch of the Chloride butchers on Mineral creek.
From Page Three: Carpenters, masons and excavators will want to be on the lookout. When water enough has been procured, plans and specifications will be completed and bids received for excavating, grading, masonry and framing and erection of the concentrator. Fair notice will be given in due time.

From Page Three: The manager of the concentrator is pleased at the determination of some of the owners of the Silver Monument ore to have that ore make the first run on the machinery. By close figuring on the fifteen tons of seventy dollar ore to be concentrated, a saving to the owner will be effected of over $350 over the regular method of shipment. A sum worth saving.
From Page Three: Word has been received that five car loads of machinery have arrived for the concentrator at Engle. The teams are over there ready to bring it into the range. Mr. Wilford is at Engle to see to the shipment and to get dimensions of the machinery. With the water question solved by putting in the steam pump and pumping until it refuses to lower further, the erection of the mill will progress rapidly.
From Page Three: Every foot of work improves the appearance of the Dreadnaugnt mine. A crevice of rich peacock copper ore which has developed itself in the shaft is rapidly showing heavier, and it is probable that before long this will be the prevailing character of the Dreadnaught ore.
From Page Three: Caldwell and Gillem are erecting a commodious cabin on Chloride creek, adjacent to their Mountain King mine.
From Page Three: Work was begun on the Adams Bar placer mine this week, and it is expected that the glittering of yellow wealth will soon be as plentiful as debts In Chloride. Six to eight gold colors on the surface to the pan ought to make rich diggings on bed rock. It is proposed to get there Ephriham.
From Page Three: Messrs. Kelley, Dodds, et al, who had so much trouble with the Mexicans of Caliente creek, last summer over the water question, finding that the natives did not intend to bring the matter before the court for settlement, themselves took the aggressive side and the district court which convenes week after next in Socorro, will hear the question.
From Page Three: A. Bourquet's cattle at Canada de Alamosa, continue to die. The disease seems to effect the kidneys as well as the stomach as the stock when about to die acts as if it bad a broken back, and blood runs from the nose. Mr. Bourquet's cattle raising experience is unfortunate. Twice when on the high road to wealth he has been reduced by Indian raids, and now disease is giving him a set-back.

From Page Three: Eugene Knapp reports that his recent find of mineral in the vicinity of the Silver Monument has greatly improved in appearance with the eighteen feet of shaft which he has put upon it and its value has been enhanced two or three hundred per cent thereby. The mineral streak is more solid and there is the same talc in large quantities which is a feature, of the Silver Monument.
The bond on the Silver Monument mine which the present workers of the property took from Alex von Wendt expires and the the property will be allowed to revert back into Mr. von Wendt's hands. By the terms of the bond the first five hundred dollars of the one thousand dollars agreed to be paid to Mr. von Wendt as the price of his lease until the first of January, is due on the 10th of November, but the creditors having already paid them from the property do not desire to work it longer and will, consequently, give it up in preference to paying the five hundred dollars.
From Page Three: The Hardscrabble location, one of A. J. Knight's on which he has just finished assessment work, shows a large crevice of galena in spar and porphyry gangue, identical with the ore of the Nordbausen on Bear creek. The Hardscrabble is south of the Hancock and White Signal on the same vein, and this character of mineral is somewhat strange for that locality. The probabilities are that there will be a change from galena to the more common copper glance, before any great depth is attained.
This entire issue may be read at: The Black Range Newspaper, issue of November 9, 1883. The file is 2.5 MB in size.


The American fascination with Lillie Langtry (above)
continues in this issue, see the report from page two.

Page One: “The general missionary committee of the Methodist Episcopal church has appropriated 913,900 to be used in evangelizing work in New Mexico.” (Ed.: See History of New Mexico Spanish and English Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church From 1850 to 1910 and the Tales of Lake Valley.
Page One: “The jail of El Paso county Texas, is so densly packed with prisoners that the Texas rangers have been placed over it to guard against the escape of the inmates should they succeed in pushing the walls apart.”
Page One: “Another El Paso policeman has been assassinated, Ramon Rodriques the officer remonstrated with a bold, bad man named Santiago Montez for his lawless antics, and was immediately shot and killed. The murderer escaped as usual.”
Page One: “On the 4th of December the citizens of El Paso county Texas, will vote upon the question of removing the county seat from Isleta, its present location, to El Paso. Inasmuch as about half of the population of the county live in El Paso and the railroads connecting there make it particularly convenient of access it is right and just that; the seal of county government should be located there and there is small doubt of the change being made.”

Page One: “There is no abatement of the Chinese emigration to the United States since the law was passed restricting the admission of laborers of this nationality, but in the capacity of artists, actors,
merchants, etc., they continue to pour in. And not only do the Chinese pile in upon the Pacific coast in numbers, but their first cousins the Japanese, are coming too, and when Congress amends the restriction law as it will have to do or repeal It entirely, the Japanese will come in for their share of attention.”
Page Two: “In spite of the law of New Mexico which demands that the members of the school boards of this territory shall be heads of families, all of the members of the board of Socorro' county are Catholic priest. Whose fault is it?”

Page Three: Socorro Schools/Alice Barnes - see third clipping from top.
Page Two: “Mrs. Langtry is reported to have said, in the course of a casual conversation, that she is now a wife only in name. This may be true as regards her connection with Mr. Langtry, but when we take Mr. Gebhardt into consideration, the general impression is that she is a wife in everything but name.”

Page Three: “More machinery for the mill just arrived and placed on the mill site. It looks like business...The pumps are now being rigged and sinking the mill well proceeds rapidly. A slight rise in the water in the well has been noted...The machinery for the concentrator is coming in as fast as the teams can haul it and it will probably be here by the close of the week...The concentrator well is cribbed up in good shape and a pump is being rigged up for the handling of the water. In a few days sinking on it will be resumed...The concentrator has already begun to make a little stir in Chloride and from this cause or some other unknown the town is enjoying the presence of a considerable number of strangers...Are the roads from the mines down to the mill being put in shape? Frost will not stay away and is an ugly customer to deal with when it fastens itself in the mother slopes. If you cannot make the whole of your road, make the part on the northern slopes before frost makes it ten times more difficult. Get your roads done in time...Contracts for the work for the concentrator were let as follows: Hauling lumber, J. D. Perkins, of Robinson, at $9.35 per M. Furnishing wood, Cajacob and Alexander of Robinson, $2.75 per cord. Quarrying and delivering rock, Geo. Richardson of Fairview, at $7.00 per cord in the wall. Furnishing sand E. C. Stiver of Fairview at $1.20 per cubic yard....There has been some speculation as to whether the concentrator will buy the ores of the miners. From an intimation dropped by the manager, miners can rest assured that advances will be made on their concentrates sufficient to enable them to go on getting out more ore. When once full mill runs of the different ores have been made, and the values known, we doubt not the concentrator will purchase the concentrates direct.”
Page Three: “Henry Schmidt is giving good satisfaction as an assayer fund getting considerable work.”
Page Three: “The Black Range picked up itself and moved this week one square nearer the business of the town. Its new quarters are directly opposite the public well. It has a light roomy office now and the change is very gratifying.”
Page Three: “Another shipment of Silver Monument ore and the one which is expected to square up existing accounts against the property is being taken to Engle. This mine in thus paying out so easily for its extravagant management has proved itself to be more than an ordinary property.”
Page Three: “Kean St. Charles and his partners still occupy Ojo Caliente post unmolested and are sanguine that they will continue to do so, claiming to have good legal talent supporting. The Range hopes they are correct though it still doubts it. Kean is preparing to raise early vegetables under the shadow of the warm spring and he will make a trip over with garden truck at Christmas time or later.”

Page Three: “Work on the Adams Bar placer mine at the mouth of Chloride creek continues with very encouraging results. The bedrock Is not yet reached but the wash grows coarser and the tests with the pan show an increasing quantity of gold in the grave. Other bars in the vicinity are being prospected also and a boom may be expected to originate in that locality at any time.”
Page Three: “Eugene Knapp has dug fifteen feet in a straight shaft on bis recent discovery the Columbia, located near the Silver Monument mine and he has two feet of ore in talc that makes a fine showing. One streak of this ore resembles the peacock mineral taken from the Silver Monument near the surface and another has the appearance of the Mountain King. The Range is convinced that Knapp has a bonanza here which only needs work to make itself visible.”
Page Three: See second clip from the top of the report on this issue.
This entire issue may be read at: The Black Range Newspaper, issue of November 11, 1883, the file is 2.6 MB.

The 10th Calvary at the Silver Monument Mine.
A photograph by Henry A. Schmidt.

Page One: “El Paso a city of 4,000 population has finally got a public school started.”
Page One: “The Santa Fe railroad has adopted mountain time for the running of trains on its road, the change going into effect last Sunday. This is just about the same as local time the difference being but a few moments. This new system of time is being universally adopted through the United States.” (Editors Note: Time zones were not adopted until railroads became well established. Keeping railroad schedules synchronized when traveling cross country was the driver behind the establishment and use of time zones. “Local time” although technically more accurate made it much more difficult to coordinate scheduling.)
Page One: “The truth of the Alamo ranch murders, wherein Joe Fowler and John Barnes killed Butcher-Knife Bill and Poney Deal, two cow-boys, has shown up through the confession of Barnes, and If the slayer of Cale does not find hemp made to do him justice for the one crime he may for the other. The murdered men had been working for Fowler and had left his employ with an unpleasant feeling existing. Fowler cherished his wrath against them until he concluded to kill them, and followed them to Alamo, not far from Snake ranch where he overtook them. After the usual greetings Bill asked Fowler for a chew of tobacco and received in stead a ball fromhis revolver. Poney made quite a fight and proved himself a very poor marksman none of his shots at Fowler taking effect. Fowler is forty-eight years of age and a native of Mississippi. Barnes is nineteen. The Socorro Advertiser says that the two in jail together quarreled the other day and in their accusations against each other mentioned twenty-six murders in which they had figured together. Fowler is spoken of now as being the most abject, whining, cringing coward that ever occupied the Socorro jail...A revolver and a rope were found concealed in the mattress in Joe Fowler's cell, in Socorro, last week, by Col. Eaton and others who made a search on suspicion of something being wrong.”

Page Two: A summary of the US Supreme Court ruling regarding mining claims etc.
Page Three: “Robinson has quite a deserted of late, only three families remaining in the phantom metropolis of the range.”
Page Three: “Three eight hour shifts are driving the Alaska drift at the rate of two feet per day. The rock is softer than it was but it is harder than dirt yet.”
Page Three: “The new pump for the Royal Arch mine was shipped from Denver on the 14th inst and it will probably be in place and throwing water before the next issue of the Range.”
Page Three: “Judge Adams has stated that he will be very likely to send some of the Montezuma ore to the concentrator If the mill works satisfactorily. There is a good deal of this ore and as It crops high upon the surface is very easily mined.”
Page Three: First clip. Second clip re: potatoes and wells.

Page Three: “There was two and a half feet of a mineral crevice showing in the bottom of the New York Central shaft when the last assessment work was finished, The ore runs high in lead and would smelt nicely.”
Page Three: “Larry McDonald who is now at Kingston paid Chloride a visit this week. Since he left here be has invested in the bull teams connected with the Kingston saw mill and he contemplates working them up this way.”
Page Three: “Work has been discontinued at the Colossal and Charley Canfield has moved his family back to Chloride. The mine is reported to be locking as well or better than it ever did before, the mineral being as plentiful and richer.” (See copied material below and third article at the right.) “Allan McMillan, superintendent of the Colossal, Is quite sick with typhoid-pneumonia and his condition is aggravated by Injuries which he received last Friday evening when while from Chloride after dark at his usual rapid space, his horse stumbled and fell. Both Mc and the horse were considerably bruised, the former quite badly and the fever which had been threatening for some days coming upon him at this time makes his condition quite serious. On Tuesday Charley Canfield brought him to town where better care could be given him and now nothing that is likely to improve his condition is being neglected.”
Page Three: “There is a second-hand coffin for sale in Chloride, the one first made for the unfortunate Rogers proving too small to serve its purpose. Anybody expecting to have use for such an article soon can get a bargain on this. Or, it will make a nice Christmas present for your rich mother-in-law if you have one.”
Page Three: “Carpenters contemplating working on the concentrator will take notice of the advertisement of the Mill company for bids on the carpenter work appearing In this issue...Charley Bishop has been improving the road to the Buffom mine for use whenthe concentrator starts. Other mine owners of the range should heed the example and get to work on their lines of communication...Already two ore wagons are being fitted up ready to commence the work of bringing down ore from the mines to the mill. J. Moreland has ordered two more that will be at Engle next week. Miners should begin to look around and engage the teams necessary to regularly haul their ore. It will take many teams to haul forty to sixty tons of ore per day, besides doing the freighting that the increase in business will necessitate...The stone for the concentrator is being obtained on Chloride creek just above town, from the red formation It is exceedingly easily quarried and the hauling is on a steady down grade which admits of large loads. The rock is to be measured when laid in the wall and the cording is thus saved. The stone is not to be laid in the wall under this contract as might be inferred from reading the item in last week's Range concerning the letting of contracts, but is simply to be measured there...The Black Knife Mining company think of hauling their ore from the Cuchillo's to the concentrator and having it worked. Edwards camp proposes to put Ina few tons daily good. These mining districts had not been taken into account as furnishing ore for the mill. We believe that there will be ore enough on hand ready for delivery when the mill starts to keep it running night and day for six months without stopping. The manager of the concentrator says that if he is swamped on the account of ore brought he will put in twenty to thirty tuns capacity more. Power enough has been provided, and the plans of the mill made with reference to increasing the capacity if necessary...The lime kiln Is burning under the management of Mr. Evans. Tests made upon the rock before putting it in the kiln showed that very nearly ninety per cent was lime. Mr. Sliver has some fifty loads of good sand upon the ground. The excavation for the foundation of the mill is progressing rapidly. Geo. Richardson is pulling some nice rock upon the ground. McBride and Anderson will have the framing timbers ready for delivery in about a week or ten days. In two weeks things will be lively around the mill, masons and carpenters vieing with each other to hasten the day of starting the mill. All possible haste will be made to get the mill up ready for machinery, when Mr. Willford will return from Pueblo where he Is now making and completing the machinery for the concentrator and see to the final completion of the mill...The concentrator well is finished and the waterquestion practically solved. A four inch pump to be run by man power was rigged this week and put to work and sinking resumed, but only six inches was made when the one pump proving unable to handle the flow of water another of the same capacity was put on and with eight men to man the two a desperate effort was made to get the water out, but without avail and thus It was left. The well Is thirty five feet deep and the bottom is in a loose wash and quicksand, through which the water flows a strong current. The expense of digging the well was only $130, and the citizens paid the required thirty-six per cent of their subscriptions and felt well pleased. Wm. Dunn who had charge of the work gave complete satis!action...Who says Chloride cannot furnish water in sufficient quantities for the concentrator The digging of the well for the mill has demonstrated to a certainty that water in abundance underlies the creeks and gulches of this country. It is a fact proven and of value not only for the object for which it was begun, but also as going to show that wells can be depended upon for stock and irrigating purposes. By pushing the well down deeper on Anderson's ranch at the mouth of Dry creek, an abundance of water was obtained this past week, and the wind mill is doing good duty in pumping a full supply of water for Mr. Lyman's three hundred head of cattle recently brought here. Good grazing lands supplied with an abundance of water added to our mineral resources ought to make our country prosperous.”
A complete copy of this issue may be read at: The Black Range newspaper, issue of November 23, 1883, the file is 2.8 MB in size.


100 shares of the Ingersoll Consolidated Mining Company,
issued on April 30, 1881 - a month an a half after incorporation.

From Page Two: If New Mexico is made a state at any time soon, its overwhelming Mexican vote will give the the state a full corps of Mexican official. Isn't this a sufficient argument against the entering of statehood and without mentioning the item of increased taxation?
From Page Two: See clipping to right.
From Page Two: “What Next? The successful solution of the water problem makes the location of the concentrator a fixed fact. This should be a matter of the strongest encouragement to every man in camp.
One thing is true of this camp the grades of its ores are low and its bodies are large. A concentrator, therefore, was our only hope. It is also true that large bodies of low grade ore are perferrable to the high grades, from the fact that as a rule, the high grade ores run in small streaks or are pockety. It Is because of this fact that with eastern capital the low grade large bodies are perferred to the high grade. The latter character of ores can be relied on the returns from year to year can be counted on with some degree of assurance, while the former class of ores are uncertain. It is equally true that when this camp can make it showing by actual production there will be a movement of capital in this direction to buy and develop mines. Without an actual exhibit by means of production, or out put, our camp will remain dormant. The moral then is that the next step for the miners and prospectors of the camp should be to commence the development of their properties and get out their ores in small and large lots according as their means will permit, and feed the concentrator which by the first of February will have a capacity for treating forty tons of ore every twenty-four hours. Mr. Castle has by a very thorough and painstaking test demonstrated, in a most business and systematic manner, the fact that our ores, us a general rule, are well adapted to concentration. His test has cost the camp nothing. In the amounts he has taken for the test, and the variety of properties from which he took the ore and the extent of range from which the samples came, he has particularly demonstrated the fact that there is not a camp in the whole west so wonderfully promising in the way of useful ores, be cause of their almost uniform adaptability to concentration. In this we have a sure foundation on which to build; the certain encouragement that every pick struck on our ores will as surely bring our camp to the front as a producer, and a most reliable one too. During this favorable weather there ought to be some work inaugurated for getting good wagon roads to the mines. It is true the prospectors have but little money, but the locality of certain groups of properties should induce a system of exchange labor, whereby the holders of property may secure such wagon roads to all of the properties from which ore can be at once and steadily taken. It would not be unwise for the property owners to have a meeting, and to have Mr. Castle meet with them, and have an exchange of views on such questions, as cost of roads, cost of transportation, cost of concentration, etc. Mr. Castle's movements here as already suggested, have caused good results to this community. Idle men are being employed, money is coming into circulation and before the concentrator is completed $12,000 will have been disbursed in this community This will have a beneficial effect on the community. Mr. Castle, to be sure, is not doing this out of charity. He comes among us to make money. If he makes it, this community will also make it. He will be dependent on the camp, and the camp on him. In other words, our relations are mutual ; what helps him helps us. It is a question of us all pulling together. It should be a long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together. We should give him all moral support and substantial support in our power. We do not want to sit idly down since he has determined to build here and say "let him work out the problem he is the one to make money." In some communities there is a disposition to feel as if the surest way of success is to lie in wait, for and fleece everybody who comes about with with money. In some camps there is a disposition among property holders to build themselves up at the expense of others; to interfere with mining deals, to lie in wait and levy tribute on any promising deal, if hush or work money is not paid. We don't want any such work in this camp. We don't want adventurers, dead-beats and loafers as middle men to come in with large pretensions, and bilk honest labor, and bilk the stores and decamp.

We want honest straightforward effort, and in twelve months time this camp can be made to rank with the best. Chloride is bound to have a "boom." Not a wild mushroom "boom" but a solid substantial, and rapid growth based upon its capacity to produce ore. Six months success of the concentrator will encourage the capital at the back of it to commence the laying of the rail which connects this place with Engle. The promise of the A. T. & S. F. railway is out to that effect. Any one may see how important it will be to the camp to feed the concentrator with ore. Another thing should be done. Our people should take the legal steps whereby the town site of Chloride is put where every man here, and the new comers, can get title to town property. These are all questions worth considering.” From Page Three (Chloride): “Long and Moreland will be in soon with eight loads more of machinery for the concentrator. The next trip will bring in the engine and boiler...Kean St. Charles has contracted to deliver one hundred tons of dry wood to the concentrator at a minimum price of three dollars per cord. The wood has been seasoning at Ojo Caliente for a term of years and is in fine condition for fuel...John Stone has completed the excavation for the foundation of the concentrator as far as it can now be completed. The masons step in next...The contract for laying the foundation for the concentrator has been awarded to Parker Fletcher, who will begin the work Monday. It will be pushed along rapidly and be ready for the carpenters as soon as they will have use for it.”
GRAFTON: From Page Three - See second clip right.
CHLORIDE (Page Three)
“Ed Magner returned from Kinston yesterday. He reports times flourishing there, lots of men at work, town growing and business good.”
“Lake Valley is going to have another move this time to the lake. The railroad depot will be there and the smelter will move there and the town will go along. Lake Valley is used to moving anyway.”
“Capt. Blain, Don Cameron and Frank Pitcher have gone to Silver City to attend court as witnesses in the suit of Wilson brothers and Tabor and Wurtzbach over the Solitaire mine at Kingston.”
NORTH STAR ROAD AND LIME KILN: See third clip at right.
“The force at work on the American Flag at Hermosa is now concentrating its strength in the original shaft with the intention of reaching the contact, if possible. If this contact is where expectation places it will be found at a maximum depth of seventy feet. Since Mr. Bently took charge considerable prospecting of the surface has been done and a magnificent showing of ore made...Parties from Kingston state that the man Rockwell who for a time claimed to have had a prior location on the surface ground of the American Flag at Hermosa, has just returned from an absence of some months, as he says in the states east, and is greatly surprised to learn that the Flag has been patented in the meantime. He intends to come come up this way directly to see about it. This is cold weather for such chaps as Rockwell.”
“Blam and Cameron who have just finished the assessment work on the Filagree claim on Chloride creek near the lode and placer cabin, owned by Judge Prince and others, brought in some handsome mineral taken from the bottom of the shaft, and express themselves as being greatly pleased with the present appearance of the property. The mineral streak which had been generally small has at the depth of thirty-five feet to which the ledge is opened widened to eighteen inches and the metal is solid and apparently of good quality although no assay having been made its value is but guessed at.”
The entire is issue may be read at: The Black Range newspaper issue of November 30, 1883, the file is 2.7 MB.