March 1883


In the post about the February 23 issue, we featured the front page of The Black Range newspaper.  Today we feature the second page (of the four-page weekly).  The second page is generally dedicated to legal notices and in this issue they begin at the bottom of the second column and make up the rest of the page, except for the ads in the upper right.  Sometimes there are more, rarely are there fewer notices.


In the post about the February 23 issue, we mentioned the emphasis on the printed word and the methods used to emphasize the verbiage - especially in ads - primarily because of the lack of images in the newspaper.  Since the beginning of The Black Range newspaper there has only been one block print image - the ad for Browne, Manzanares & Co. of Socorro, always appearing at the top right of page three.


In this issue:

The Front Page was dedicated to ads and a PR piece entitled “New Mexico’s Advancement”, other than making any Chamber of Commerce proud it is noteworthy because it contains numerous bits of information.  In the top exert (right) the article talks about the importance of the railroad coming to New Mexico and its positive effect on mining.  Note that those pesky land grants (or more accurately the inability of the Anglo cowboys and miners to break up the land grants) are a major hinderance to New Mexico’s Advancement - ranking up there with those  “accursed Apaches” and the “persistent and extravagant” newspaper reports of their activities.

A bit later in the front page article there is information about mines near Chloride/Grafton (see above right) and this note: “At Hillsboro a stamp mill has been running the most of the year on the ores of the King and Bobtail.  The capacity of the mill is being increased and the mines put in a condition to supply a greater quantity of ore.  The Hydraulic Company have several miles of pipe, and it is expected they will complete their work about May 1st, when they will have expended about $250,000, have twelve miles of pipe, and engage extensively in placer mining.”  (See also the Overview of the Hillsboro Mining District.) 

Soda Water in Robinson

Still later it is reported that “A smelter is about to be erected at Silver City for the treatment of the ores of Cook’s Peak, and also for custom work.  The mines at  Georgetown have been steadily producing during the past year.”

“A railroad is nearly completed from Silver City to Deming, which is to be extended through the territory and west into Arizona.”

And from the second page - “Frank James appeared before the court at Kansas City on the 20th inst., and plead not guilty to the indictment brought against him, and after a lengthy argument his trial was fixed for the third Monday in June next.”

From Hermosa - “The Pelican shows a fine body of argentriferous galena eight feet in width, recent assays giving sixty-eight and one hundred and twenty ounces of silver to the ton.  Developments on the claim are progressing rapidly.  The adit by which the property is worked is showing a fine breast of ore, the distance under cover being about seventy feet.  A drift has been started westward and has progressed about ten feet in the breast of which is the fine showing of galena just mentioned.”

Also from Hermosa - reports on the American Flag, Flagstaff, and Palomas Chief workings. (page 3)

“The new road has been traveled between Chloride and Hermosa so much that it is easily distinguishable from the old trail.”

“Young trees now adorn both sides of the main street of Fairview, and evince a disposition on the part of the citizens to give the place a neat and tasty appearance.”

“To Robinson belongs the credit of having the first school in the range.  Miss Nelhe Russel is teaching the young ideas of about ten scholars from Robinson and Fairview.”

From Chloride - “Mrs. Barnes is erecting an addition to her residence.” (See also Spell of the Black Range - Installment One on the Free Range Blog.)

“A wagon road is to be constructed from Deming to Kingston, via the Sierra Blanco mining district.”

“In an interview with the Albuquerque newspaper reports, Gov. Sheldon is reported to have said: ‘I propose to make New Mexico safe for honest and industrious people or depopulate the whole territory.’”  (Something akin to this was reported by the AP on February 7, 1968 when Peter Arnett reported that a U.S. Major stated that “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it” (about the destruction of Bển Tre, South Vietnam.)


“Arrangements have been made between Major Fountain and the authorities of Old Mexico and Texas with a view to corralling the stock thieves infesting the southern border, and pursuing them in any direction across the line.”

You can read the entire issue at The Black Range Newspaper - Issue of March 2, 1883.  The file is 2.4 MB in size.




FEATURED TODAY: Fountain’s successes and adobe houses.

In this issue:

From the Front Page, “The most industrious man known of in New Mexico is the man who ran the ferry at Socorro last summer.  He was continually at work digging out the bed of the river to make it deep enough to run his boat.”

From Page 2: “The government of Chihuahua paid $7,500 to the soldiers who took part in the recent fight with the Apaches, paying $250 for each scalp  and $150 for each captive.”


“Albuquerque Review:  Lake Valley, Hillsboro and Silver City are now the principal bullion producing towns of the territory...”

From Page 3: “The rain and snow of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, had millions in it.  Grass will start, our streams will hod out for camps, and ranching will be a success.”

Chloride - “George Turner has received his papers from Washington appointing his postmaster.”

Chloride - “Mrs. Olsen was unfortunate in having most of her bedding and some clothes destroyed by fire last Sunday evening, from being too close to the fire place.  The generous-minded citizens made up a purse for her, which we understand was sufficient to repair the loss.”

Chloride - “And now the talk in some quarters is a church and a school house.  Good.  Nothing would do more to help our town than the promotion of both these interests.”

Chloride - “Why don’t some good, industrious, long-headed Yankee start a cow ranch here?  Milk and butter would sell like hot waffles.”


Grafton - “Some Mexicans arrested four ranchers on the Gila last week and took them before an alcalde at San Francisco on the charge of stealing cattle.  The boys proved themselves innocent of the charge and were set at liberty, greatly to their relief, not knowing what their fate might be while in the toils of the greasers.  H. L. Lake was shot at several times but escaped unharmed.  The alcalde still holds his gun and says he will keep it until Mr. Lake stands his trial and proves himself innocent.”

Fairview - “Everything is in readiness at the smelter to start up as soon as flux can be delivered, and about the middle of next week it is expected to plow in.  The preliminary tests designated iron and calcite as the necessary flux, both of which are easily obtainable.”

Robinson - “Reber is pushing his residence and soda factory to completion, and when finished he will have things arranged in good shape for manufacturing soda.  A driven well under cover will make the supply of water convenient.”

A complete copy of this issue is available at The Black Range Newspaper of March 9, 1883; the file is 2.2 MB in size.



Chester W. Cousins

FEATURED TODAY: Mine workings and Fountain escapades. 

In this issue:

From the Front Page, “ “St. Patrick’s day in the morning’  will be celebrated with appropriate ceremonies at Santa Fe.  Both English and Spanish orators will be present.”

“Extra vigilance, owing to the near approach of the coronation of the Czar, has resulted in the arrest of a number of nihilists in Moscow.  There is no reason to think any movement exists to prevent the coronation.”  (Ed. note: In the 2/16/83 issue it was reported that “The  Russian police claim to have destroyed nihilism...”)

John Barnes

“And yet no end of the new and astonishing discoveries about Kingston in the ore belts; Where they are it would be difficult to describe accurately, and it would be more difficult to tell where they are not.  It seems that the rule has been varied from in this locality, for gold and silver are where you look for it.”

“On the North Percha the Solitaire is not yet sold, unless the transfer has been made since the 1st.  We speak with authority.  The Studebakers had not bought it.”

“A sample of ore sent from the North Texan assayed $164 at Lake Valley.”

“Another new and important strike is reported on Carbonate creek, half a mile above Percha City.”

“In the Superior the shaft for the purpose of extracting ore with the greatest facility is sunk, and the only interesting feature is that already mentioned of the large body of high grade ore in sight, which will soon be attacked.”

“The net returns from the last car load of ore shipped from the Bullion Mine to Denver amounted to $6,110 for a little more than ten tons.  It was sufficient to pay all the working expenses of the mine for the last three months and leave a balance of $2,000 in the treasury.”


“This camp is second to none, we believe.  Kingston is solid.  A few malcontents who would not be satisfied with a solid gold quarry fold their tents and steal away occasionally, but reliable, hard-working men are on the ground who know a thing or two.  The reaction which comes to every camp with the ebb of a great tide of humanity has been felt in Kingston, but it has left the beach clean.  We may look for a steady growth of the camp.”

“The newly appointed post-master at Deming.  Geo. F. Cams, was hung in effigy on one of the principal streets of that place, on the night of the 5th.”

From Page 3: “Judge Adams has eight men at work on the Alaska mine, they are moving the machinery down to where work is being done on the main shaft.”

“Blun Brothers will give a dance at Fairview tomorrow  evening.  A good time is expected, a general invitation is extended to all the different towns, and a full attendance is desired.”

Chloride: “Mrs. Barnes has completed the several improvements recently made on her premises.”

Chloride: “How about that school-house?  There are quite a number of young innocents in town that might be at school if they had a school to go to.”

Chloride: “The number of passengers in from Engle on Monday made it necessary to put on an extra.  We hope it will not be long before this will be the invariable rule.”

Chloride: “The Chloride ‘shovel brigade’ turned out in force, and in full dress, last Saturday, headed by Col. I. H. Gray, proceeded to repair the city ‘water works’.  Bravo!. Every street in the main part of town is now supplied with water.”

“Trumbor and Beebe have received proofs of the maps of the Black Range and Apache mining districts prepared by them.  These maps are to be colored lithographs, showing the claims of the two districts and the trails and wagon roads.”

“The Black Knife smelter blew in last Wednesday evening, and the results are such as to cause general rejoicing throughout the range.  For some time past general attention has been turned to this institution, and its operation has been awaited with no little degree of  interest, for upon its success depends greatly our hopes of attracting attention as a bullion producing country, and it is with a great deal of satisfaction that we chronicle its success, for success seems certainly assured beyond a doubt.”

“A Daily Mail.  We need it, and should have it at once.  Our neighbor, Kingston, enjoys the luxury, without any more claim to the privilege than our community.  Here is Chloride, Fairview, Grafton, and Robinson making the center of a population of more than 2,000 souls, and all in range of an easy days drive from the railroad station at Engle.  The mail service of the United States never has been regarded as one of the departments for creating a revenue for the government, but run for the convenience of the public...Each week, our community (as there is no Sunday mail) must wait from Saturday morning to Tuesday morning to transmit letters to the east, or elsewhere...”


A complete copy of this issue can be read at The Black Range Newspaper, issue of March 16, 1883; the file is 2.5 MB.




Sierra Grande 3-23-83

FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE: A long article about mining in the southwest.

On the Front Page of this issue:

Lake Valley: A report of the success of the Sierra Grande mine, see article right.

In the Second Page of this issue:

“De Lesseps is to direct surveys to convert the Sahara desert into an inland sea.”

“The Russian government has proposed to other powers, that an international force be organized to cope with anarchists and nihilists, Fenians and socialists.  France, Switzerland and Austria have acquiesced in the proposal.”

“A bill was introduced in the senate of Pennsylvania to prevent burning or cremating human bodies, making the penalty for violation a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000, and imprisonment not less than one or more than three years solitary confinement.” (Compare this with Nevada’s decisionto criminalize efforts to conduct fraud by changing ore / assays - right.)

Cheating is a misdemeanor 3-23-83

In the Third Page of this issue:

Fairview: “P. A. Simpson, county sheriff, came into the range last week, prosecuting official duties.  He was accompanied by Mr. Baca of Socorro.”

Grafton: “Thomas Scales has purchased a half interest in the Grafton hotel for $750.”

Grafton: “Mr. Elliott has gone to Old Mexico after 5,000 head of cattle to stock his ranches on the Gila.”

Chloride: “The tunnel on the Colossal has reached a length of about 400 feet, which extends in eighteen or twenty feet beyond the shaft.  Another hundred feet will bring it to the junction of a spur running due east and west.  Meanwhile the mineral is coming in stronger in the main ledge.”

Chloride: “Ed. Holmes, Oscar Pfotenhauer and Mr. Bivens started for the Palomas last Wednesday, and camped for the night twelve miles south of Chloride.  They erected their tent and built a fire, and while getting boughs with which to make a bed, the fire by some manner of communication destroyed the tent and badly damaged several of their blankets.”

Engle: “It is believed here that there will be a good deal of travel into the Black Range via Engle this summer.”

Engle: “The old stage ‘Shamrock’ is in the dry-dock for repair at Fitzpatrick’s shop.  He is building two very light and substantial buck-boards at $150 each.  Fitzpatrick is one of the best mechanics in theterritory.”

Hermosa: “Several cabins and a corral are building, a store and a blacksmith shop being already in full operation.”

Hermosa: “The American Flag continues to astonish the visitor, as there is no waste dump, the workings being all in ore.”

Hermosa: “The work on the Pelican shows an increasing ore body in adit No. 2, and in a few days the connection will be made between adit Nos. 1 and 2.”

Hermosa: “James Dalgish and Johnny Plemmons will soon have their store in running order, as their store is nearly completed and Mr. Dalgish goes to therailroad to purchase goods this week.”  (Dalgish had sold his share of the Pioneer Store in Chloride to George Turner, a few weeks before.)

curious birds 3-23-83

Hermosa:  Curious birds making miners happy, see article above, right.

Hermosa: Palomas Chief assaying well, see right.

Hermosa: In case you were wondering how you make a town, see article below right.

“Governor Grant deserves the thanks of every miningman for vetoing the net output tax.  Our mines are not yet in such a condition that we, as a people, can afford to have them taxed.”

“It has been settled that Col. Gillette is to leave the management of the Lake Valley mines on the 20th inst.  We suggest that he take hold of the Ivanhove at Grafton and wake up things in the upper end of the range.  He can do it if any man living can.”

“The copper mines of the country are rendering a large return for the money invested than is realized in any other mining industry.  The increase in the demand of copper is much in excess of the increase in supply, and the product is continually commanding better prices in the market.”

palomas chief 3-23-83

Hillsboro: “Judge Shaw has sold the Homestake and Keystone claims, located near Hillsboro, to C. M. Brooks & Co., of Denver, for $10,000.  The Homestake mine is regarded as being the best gold  property near Hillsboro, with the exception of the property owned by the company at that place.  The mine has been very successfully developed under the working bond under which it was sold, and is showing up splendidly.  Messrs Brooks & Co. have had much experience in handling gold mines in Colorado, and are men of good judgement and practical knowledge.  They will make of the Keystone and Homestake mines properties which will add to the fame of the district in which they are situated.”

hermosa town formed 3-23-83

In the Fourth Page of this issue:

An article about the “Famous Ranches of New Mexico”

An article about “The Mining Investigation” being conducted by the U. S. Senate and Finance Committee.

A copy of the full edition of this issue can be read at The Black Range Newspaper, issue of March 23, 1883; the file is 2.4 MB in size.

rain in nm 3-23-83




FEATURED TODAY: Hermosa is founded. 

On the Front Page of this issue:

“H. Gordon Temple is about to start a weekly paper in Santa Fe.”  Photograph by Timothy O’Sullivan below, Santa Fe as it looked ten years before.  

Santa Fe in 1873 by Timothy O'Sullivan

Give Him A Call

“Four boys, the oldest being sixteen and the youngest thirteen years of age, robbed a train in Texas, and all have been captured.”

“The Chihuahua Mail seems to be prosperous.  It has enlarged to four 9-column pages.  It is well filled with advertisements and is replete with news.”

“The New York state senate passed a bill compelling telegraph and telephone companies in New York and Brooklyn to place their wires under ground after March, 1885.”  (Ed. - But in Grafton - “Give him a call.” meant - “stop by”.)

“The telegraph line from Deming to Silver City is completed, and the railroad between those points is completed five miles from Deming.  Forty-four cars for the  line have been received.”

“An attempt is being made to remove the county seat of Bernalillo county from Bernalillo to Albuquerque.  The change should have been made long ago.  There is no possible excuse for making the bulk of the inhabitants of a county travel to an obscure village to transact public business.”

Cattle Rustlers - Fountain-filtered

“Major A. J. Fountain has the right idea of the way to dispose of rustlers.  His command of militia sent out lately by the governor to hunt cattle thieves, captured John  Watts and Bice Bush, two notorious rascals.  The prisoners attempted to escape and were riddled with bullets.  Thus were the ends of justice accomplished without expense to the territory.” (And see articles, right, from page 2.)

“Gen. MacKenzie has issued orders to the commanders of the several military posts in New Mexico to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment’s notice.  This command was given in accordance with advices received from the commander of the Mexican forces in Chihuahua, that the latter was about to begin an attack upon the hostile Indians in the Sierra Madre mountains, and requesting that the Americans be prepared for the savages if they shall be driven into the United States.”

In the Second Page of this issue:


“Montana’s Indians are on the warpath and are doing considerable deviltry.” 

“Chas. W. Greene, of the Lake Valley Herald and Kingston Tribune, has been chosen as the proper person to manage successfully the Tertio-Millennial celebration at Santa Fe.”

“Gov. Phil Sheridan is visiting Texas and the papers there are recalling the remark the general once made, which was that if he owned hell and Texas he would sell Texas and live in hell.” (And see article, right.)

“The information was circulating in Socorro last week that Dr. Lapham has been captured and was safely  established in the Chester penitentiary in Illinois.  Citizens of Socorro put up the funds to defray the expenses of getting him safely housed.”

The Santa Fe New Mexican’s city editor speaks of the San Miguel church at Santa Fe as being the oldest church edifice on the American continent.  The fact is that Mexico is rife with church buildings much more aged than the ancient structure at Santa Fe.” (Ed. - There are still people who do not know that Mexico is part of North America.)


“The cowboys on the Pan Handle of Texas have struck for higher wages.  they are getting $30 per month and they want $50, which the owners refuse to pay.  The boys have chosen their time well, as the annual drive is about to commence and their services cannot well be dispensed with nor their places filled with new men.  There is likely to be trouble, however.”

“Socorro is still agitating the scheme for a railroad from that place to the Mogollons by way of the Black Range.”

In the Third Page of this issue:

“Kim Ki Rogers, who has somehow slipped out of sight in the last few months, turns up again as the sufferer by the raids of a band of horse thieves at his ranch in the Black Range.  Rogers, by the way, is finding ranching better paying than railroading.  He has 1,000 acres of land with three good springs on it, and has bought 500 cows with which to stock it.”

“The Kingston Tribune, speaking of Pye the pioneer prospector of the Black Range, states that he was killed by Indians some place down in Arizona.  In truth Harry Pye came to his death in the canyon of the Palomas through the agency of the Apaches and his skull now adorns Dr. Haskell’s cabinet of Black Range specimens of minerals and curiosities, here in Chloride.”

Fairview: “The Black Knife smelter is troubled to get coke and this interferes with the working there as it also does with the mine where the ore is crowding the dump and blocking operations.  At the smelter everything run smoothly for the last few days and Mr. Drake is satisfied that he will experience no further trouble in treating the Black Knife ore.  The smelter at its full capacity on the present ore can turn out about a thousand pounds of bullion per day.”

Grafton: “Contrary to the general report the Occidental mine is not lying idle, Kean St. Charles tells us, but has constantly employed six men engaged in stoping out ore and placing it upon the dump.  Kean St. Charles has not for the moment lost faith in the property notwithstanding the unsatisfactory workings of and returns from the mill and he hopes soon to have associated with him men of  sufficient capital to go ahead and give the ore a fair test.  Kean is satisfied that the mill as it was worked did not get the metal from the rock and wants a roaster or some other process added to supply the present deficiency.  This he hopes to have soon and then he will give the property a fair test.”

Chloride: “A fine body of rich mineral has been struck in the end of the tunnel in the Colossal lately.”

Chloride: “Nate Ayers and Jack Wilson are having an adobe house built in the lower end of town.”

Chloride: “Tom Evans is making adobes with which to extend the building occupied by Joe Aragon’s saloon.”

Chloride: “Mr. Newman the sheep man of Monument creek received a shepherd dog by express this week.”

Chloride: “Hugh Love has seven burros employed in packing the six tons of Silver Monument ore from the mine to the wagon road.”

Chloride: “Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Beckett thank the Chloride string band for the charming serenade last Saturday night.  These musicians are capable of producing the sweetest music in the world and their performances are always a treat.”

Chloride: “Articles of incorporation have been filed...for the Hagan’s Peak Tunnel and Mining company.  The capital stock is one million dollars...the tunnel will run into the east end of the mountain in a westerly direction... twenty feet of work has already been done there, but it is now proposed to go down the hill some three hundred feet further and make a new start...the scheme is a good one and while it promises to make the everlasting fortunes of those who are investing in it, it will go far toward helping the country along by employing surplus labor.”

Hermosa: “Turkey are reported to be abundant on the Palomas.”

Hermosa: “Dr. Driscoll of Chloride, will open a branch drug business at Hermosa.”

Hermosa: “George Beebe surveyed the town site of Hermosa on Tuesday and already the rush for lots has  commenced, causing trouble and quarrels.”

Victorio and Nana

Hermosa: “Capt. Harris is assayer and photographer at Hermosa.  He has taken some fine views of the town site already which will do to look at when the place becomes a city.”

Hermosa: “The initial cabin of the Palomas is found to be located in the middle of the street of Hermosa and will have to be torn down.  Thus does the destruction of ancientland marks at this camp begin early.”

Hermosa: “Work is being prosecuted on the American Flag.  The shaft at last accounts was thirteen feet deep and a vein of solid metal without quartz or other foreign substance forty-two inches wide showed in the bottom, besides the remainder of the lead being exceedingly rich.  No discovery outside of the Lake Valley mine has ever been made in the United States which equals the richness of the American Flag.”


“Hillsboro Prospector: A new strike has been made out near the tanks, about five miles from here.  The ore is lead carbonate very rich in silver.”

North Percha: “A new strike has been made on the North Perchas in the Keystone, owned by Jack Thomas and Billy Purple.  The boy of ore is three feet wide and assays run from sixty-nine to four hundred and fifty dollars per ton.  The character of the ore is ruby silver.”

“Georgetown Courier:  ...The Santa Rita company is shipping about $40,000 per month in copper.  Within the next sixty days $80,000 will be the monthly product...”

You can read this full issue at The Black Range Newspaper, issue of March 30, 1883, the size of the file is 2.2 MB.



© Robert Barnes 2018-2024