To say that the geology of the Black Range is complex is to make one of the more significant understatements of the year. I cannot pretend to shed much light on the topic but offer the following as my contributions to understanding the wonderland which is this place.
- The Rocks and Minerals of the Black Range - limited to specimens collected in this locale.
- Mineral Listing - a listing of minerals and the mines where they were found.
- The Geology of the Hillsboro Quadrangle
- Giant of the Mimbres - A page about the discovery and geologic history of the formations along NM-61.
- Geology Photo Gallery
- Sedimentary petrography and depositional environments of the the type section of the Mississippian Lake Valley Formation, Sierra County, New Mexico - January 2012 by Karl Krainer and Spencer Lucas (8.1 MB)
- The Pennsylvania Red House Formation, Central Sierra County, New Mexico by Lucas, Krainer, Barrick, and Spielmann, 2012 (10.4 MB)
- Systematics, Phylogenetics, and Biogeographyof Early Mississippian Camerate Crinoids of the Nunn Member, Lake Valley Formation, in South Central New Mexico by Elizabeth C. Rhenberg (3.1 MB)
- The Lower Permian Abo Formation in the Fra Cristobal and Caballo Mountains, Sierra County, New Mexico by Lucas, Krainer, Chaney et al. 2012 (2.2 MB)
- The Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity in New Mexico by Steven Cather 2012 (2.1 MB)
- Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of South-Central New Mexico by Hook, Mack, and Cobban 2012 (3 MB)
- Mineral and Energy Resources of the Mimbres Resource Area in Southwestern New Mexico - 1997 - U. S. Geological Survey (2.5 MB)
- Mineral-Resource Assessment of Luna County, New Mexico - 2001 - McLemore et al.
- Geochemistry of the Copper Flat Prophyry and Associated Deposits in the Hillsboro Mining District, Sierra County, New Mexico, USA by McLemore, Muroe, Heizler, and McKee 1999 (.7 MB)
- Cretaceous Dinosaurs in New Mexico by Lucas, Heckert and Sullivan 2012 (.7 MB)
- Geomorphic Development of the Giants of the Mimbres, Grant County, New Mexico, by Mueller and Twidale, 2002
- Landform Development of City of Rocks State Park and Giant of the Mimbres, by Mueller and Twidale, 1988
- Geologic Investigations in the Lake Valley Area, Sierra County, New Mexico, J. M. O’Neill Editor, US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1644 (9.9 MB) - Also available in online book format.
- Fluorspar Deposits of Burro Mountains and Vicinity New Mexico, by Elliot Gillerman, Geological Survey Bulletin 973-F, 1951 (2.5 MB)
- Some Aspects of the Kneeling Nun Rhyolite Tuff, by David L. Giles, 1965
- Bulletin 37 - Geology and Mineral Deposits of Lake Valley Quadrangle, Grant, Luna, and Sierra Counties, New Mexico, by Henry L. Jichia, Jr. 1954 (3.5 MB)
- Studies Related to Wilderness Primitive Areas: Black Range New Mexico - Geological Survey Bulletin 1319-E, by Ericksen, Wedow, Eaton, and Leland, 1970 (11.3 MB)
- The Geology and Ore Deposits of Sierra County, New Mexico (.pdf version) and online book version.
- Geologic Section of the Black Range at Kingston, New Mexico by Frederick Kuellmer
- Beryllium and Tungsten Deposits of the Iron Mountain District, Sierra and Socorro Counties, New Mexico by Richard H. Hahns - with a section on the Beryllium Minerals by Jewell J. Glass
- The Taylor Creek Tin Deposits, New Mexico by J. M. Hill
- To Be Known as a Variety, Frederic Endlich - Volume 2, Number 4, Black Range Naturalist
- Geologic Maps of the Black Range - Volume 2, Number 4, Black Range Naturalist
- Hematite and Specularite - Volume 2, Number 4, Black Range Naturalist
- Rhyolite and Tuff - Volume 2, Number 4, Black Range Naturalist
- Arctos Information System - Volume 3, Number 3, Black Range Naturalist
- Flourite Ridge Mines
- The Fluorite Ridge Fluorspar Mines, Luna County, New Mexico; Boyer, Zachman, Martinez; Museum of New Mexico, Office of Archaeological Studies, Archaeology Notes 215; 1997
- The Kneeling Nun, Santa Rita, New Mexico; Robert W. Elelethand Glen R. Osburn; New Mexico Geology; August 1985
- The Story of Mining in New Mexico (Scenic Trips to the Geologic Past No. 12); Paige W. Christiansen; New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources; 1974
- Water Resources of the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico and Their Development; Willis T. Lee; 1907
- The Geology of New Mexico as Understood in 1912; Barry S. Kues; New Mexico Geology, May 2012
- A Comparison of Paleozoic Sections in Southern New Mexico; N. H. Darton; 1917
- Bibliography of Geology and Hydrology, Southwestern New Mexico; Ann Wright; USGS; 1980
- Underground Water of Luna County New Mexico; N. H. Darton; 1914
- Final EIS, Copper Flat Mine Proposal, April 2019, BLM Vol. 1
- Final EIS, Copper Flat Mine Proposal, April 2019, BLM Vol. 2 - Appendix K-N
- San Diego Mountain: A “Rosetta Stone” for Interpreting the Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of South-Central New Mexico
- Geology of the Northern Franklin Mountains, Texas and New Mexico
- On the origin of low angle normal faulting in the Southern Rio Grande Rift
- Description of the Holloman Soil Profile
- Geologic Map of the Hillsboro 7.5 Minute Quadrangle (a full-sized .pdf which is 12.4 MB in size)
- Report which accompanies the Geologic Map (this file is 2.4 MB in size)
- .kmz of Hillsboro Geology Map on Google Earth (Very Large 98.7 MB in size)
- Lake Valley Geologic Map
- Geologic Map of the Skute Stone Arroyo 7.5-Minute Quadrangle (21.1 MP in size)
- Geologic Map of the Winston 7.5-Minute Quadrangle (19.4 MP in size)
- Geologic Map of the Iron Mountain 7.5-Minute Quadrangle (20 MP in size)
- Geologic Map of the Massacre Peak 7.5-Minute Quadrangle (15.3 MP in size)
- Geologic Map of New Mexico
- Explanatory Sheet for Geologic Map of New Mexico
- Geologic Map for the Anthony Quadrangle
- Bishop’s Cap Geological Map