This index to the authors and topics of the Black Range Naturalist contains links (in this color) to the specific issue referenced or to the supporting material referenced in an article. Articles contributed by the editor, R. A. (Bob) Barnes are not listed under his name.
Abaeis mexicana (Mexican Yellow)
Abaeis nicippe (Sleepy Orange)
Abernathy, Mike
- White-collared Turkey Vulture (Photographs)
Absher, J. R.
- Trailcams, Citizen Science and the Black Range Region
- Red-breasted Sapsucker - Part of a Superspecies
- Mating Gopher Snakes
- Elf Owl at the A-Spear
- The A-Spear Trailcams
Acmaeodera rubronotata
Adelpha eulalia (Arizona Sister)
Agraulis vanillae (Gulf Fritillary)
An Immense World (Book Review)
Anaea andria (Goatweed Butterfly)
Ancyloxpha arene (Tropical Least Skipper)
Anthocharis thoosa (Southwestern Orangegtip)
Aphonopelma gabeli
Aphonopelma marxi
Aphonopelma madera
Apis mellifera
- A Few Nectaring Insects by James Von Loh
Araneus gemmoides/illudatus
Archaeology of Animals in Southwest New Mexico, AD 1000 - 1130
Archilochus alexandri
Arctos Data Base
- Three Oredonts From the Black Range Show the Importance of Shared and Accessible Data by Hannah Cantrell
Arizona’s Arboreal Alligator by Harley Shaw
Art and Natural History
- Nature’s Form and Pattern - as Inspiration for Art and Science
- The Art of Nature
- Hummingbirds, Barbed-Wire, and Native Grasses In Art
Art of Tracking - The Origin of Science (Book Review)
Ascalapha ordorata (Black Witch Moth)
A-Spear Ranch
Argentina anserina
Aspidoscelis exsanguis
Aspidoscelis inornata
Aspidoscelis marmoratus
Aspidoscelis neomexicans
Aspidoscelis tesselatus
Aspidoscelis tigris
Aspidoscelis uniparens
Aspidoscelis velox
Asterocampa celtis (Hackberry Emperor)
Atalopedes campestris (Sachem)
Athanassa texana (Texas Crescent)
Atlides halesus (Great Purple Hairstreak)
Autochton cellus (Golden-banded Skipper)
Automeric cecrops (Cecrops-eyed Silkmoth)
Barnes, Bob
- Material contributed by the editor is not listed under his name.
Barnes, Jonathan
Barr, Lloyd
Barrett, Chuck
Bartlett, John Russell
Batchelder, Ned & Gigi
- The A-Spear Hummingbirds
- 2018 Southern New Mexico Humming Location Summary
- Insect Eggs or Pollen Mystery
- Letters to the Editor
Battus philenor (Pipevine Swallowtail)
Bear, Black
- Trailcams, Citizen Science and the Black Range Region
- Bear Species in the Black Range
- April 2024 Issue
Bear, Cinnamon
Bear, Grizzly
Beaver, North American
Bell, William A.
Berman, Gordon
- Butterfly Photographs
- Lizards of the Black Range
- Rio Grande Cottonwoods, Mistletoe, and a Host of Animals
- The Echinocereus of the Black Range and Doña Ana County (multiple species)
- The Natural History of a Landmark - Ferocactus wislizeni
Bird (frequency of occurrence)
- Seasonal Bird Species Distribution in Hillsboro (January - June)
- Bird Sightings - 3rd Quarter - Hillsboro Yard List
- New Mexico Bird Die-Off
- Bird Species by Vegetation Type
- Migratory Bird Program, Birds of Concern, Chihuahuan Desert
- Tools of the Trade - Bird Banding
Bird, Bat, Bee, and Butterfly - Scaping Your Yard - by Kathleen Blair
Blackbird, Yellow-headed
Black Range Environmental Writers
Blair, Kathleen
- Recipe for Homemade Christmas Bird Count
- Proof is in the Pudding - Hillsboro CBC Results
- The OTHER Pandemic…Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD)
- Bird, Bat, Bee, and Butterfly - Scaping Your Yard
Bluet, Familiar
Bogertophis subocularis subocularis
Boisea rubrolineata
Bowen, Russ
Brephidium exile (Western Pygmy Blue)
Brochymena affinis
- A Few Nectaring Insects by James Von Loh
- Reference to galleries of The Black Range Website
- Never Kiss a Walapai Tiger
- To Kill a Bumblebee by Bob Barnes
- A Few Nectaring Insects (Bombus sonorus) by James Von Loh
- A Few Nectaring Insects by James Von Loh
Burnsius albescens (White-checkered Skipper)
Burnsius communis (Common Checked Skipper)
Cacama valvata
Caenurgina erechtea (Forage Looper)
Calephelis nemsis (Fatal Metalmark)
Caliophrys gryneus (Olive Juniper Hairstreak)
Calliandra eriophylla, Fairy Duster
Camptocosa texana
Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
Cannizzaro, Andrew
Cantrell, Hannah
Cardinal, Northern
Carex amplifolia
Cary, Steve
- DNA Barcoding and Those White-haired Black Caterpillars
- A Bit of Caterpillar Anatomy
- Black Range Observations
Catherpes mexicanus
- Coffee Cave
- Robinson’s Cave
- Coffee and Robinson’s Caves (Follow-ups and Tidbits)
Chelifer canroides, Psudoscorpion
Cherry, Black
Chlosyne fulvia (Fulvia Checkerspot)
Chlosyne lacinia (Bordered Patch)
Chlosyne theonas (Theona Checkerspot)
Christmas Bird Count (Hillsboro)
- Recipe for Homemade Christmas Bird Count
- Proof is in the Pudding - Hillsboro CBC Results
- April 2024 Issue
Cicindelidia (Tiger Beetles)
Cleary, David
Coati, White-faced
- Coati Encounters
- White-nosed Coati Range Expansion?
- Follow-ups on Previous Articles on Coatis and Porcupines
- Coati Watch
Cole, A. Thomas
Coleonyx variegatus
Colias eurytheme (Orange Sulphur)
Colias philodice (Clouded Sulphur)
Collared-Dove, Eurasian
Collared Lizards
Conopholis alpina
Copaeodes aurantiaca (Orange Skipperling)
Cope, Edward Drinker
Cophosaurus texanus
Coral Snake, Sonoran
Cosper, Larry
Cottontail, Desert
Cottonwood, Rio Grande
- Rio Grande Cottonwoods, Mistletoe, and a Host of Animals
- Rio Grande Cottonwood, Willow, and Mistletoe Habitat Supporting Obligate Bird and Insect Species
Cougar (Mountain Lion, Puma)
- Lore Versus Science and Natural History
- Trailcams, Citizen Science and the Black Range Region
- The Camera and Natural History
- Finley’s Red Mountain Lion
- Predator Control
- Arizona's 300 Pound Cougar
Create Change With Your Own Backyard Habitat
Crotalus atrox
Crotalus lepidus
Crotalus molossus
Crotalus ornatus
Crotalus viridis
Crotaphytus collaris
Cyllopsis pertepida (Canyonland Satyr)
Cypress, Arizona
Daisies, Rock
Dark-ribboned Wave, Leptostales rubromarginaria
Datana neomexicana
Deer, Mule
- Black Canyon Deer
- The North Kaibab Deer Herd 1968-1983: The “Research” Years
- Significance of the Kaibab Deer Herd
De Jaegher, Véronique
- Changes to the Middle Fork of Percha Creek, West of Kingston
- Butterfly Photographs
- Photographs of Ice
- Caterpillar Photographs
- Gray Fox Photographs
- Bees on Sunflower
Diadophis punctatus regalis
Dogs and Snakes by Harley Shaw
Doña Ana County
Dove, White-winged
- Dragonflies of the Black Range
- Darners of the Black Range
- Representative Dragonflies of Doña Ana County (Darners)
Dymasia dymas (Tiny Checkerspot)
Dysschema howardi (Great Northern Flag Moth)
Eastvold, Issac
Echinargus isola (Reakirt’s Blue)
Echinomastus intertextus (Chihuahua Pineapple Cactus)
Egbert, John
Elam, Steve
Elgaria kingii
Emory Caldera
Enallagma civile
Endlich, Frederic Miller
Erpetogomphus compositus (White-belted Ringtail)
Erpetogomphus designatus (Eastern Ringtail)
Erynnis brizo (Sleepy Duskywing)
Erynnis telemachus (Rocky Mountain Duskywing)
Erynnis tristis (Mournful Duskywing)
Erythemis simplicicollis
Euptoleta claudia (Variegated Fritillary)
Eurema proterpia (Tailed Orange)
Euscirrhopterus cosyra (Staghorn Cholla Moth)
Euscirrhopterus gloveri (Purslane Moth)
Falcon, Peregrine
Ferocactus wislizeni
Ferriss, James
Figwort, Mimbres
Finley, William L.
Finley’s Red Mountain Lion - by Ron Thompson
- Fire History of the Black Range
- The Silver Fire - As We Lived It
- Black Range Fire History Map
- Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico
- Fire History of the Black Range - Black Fire Update
Fish Side of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The
Flowering Plants - Tree of Life
Fox, Daniel
Frog, Arizona Tree
Frontinella huachuca
Gallinas Canyon Trail (See also Railroad Canyon)
Geologic Formations
Geologic Maps
Gibson, Margie
Gila Symposium
Given, Hattie
Gray, Randy
Green, Melissa
Ground Cone
Gyrocheilus patrobas (Red-rim Satyr)
Habitat by Harley Shaw
Hadoa duryi
Hadoa townsendii
Haley, Jan
Hallgarth, Rebecca
- Railroad Canyon Campground to Holden Prong Saddle
- Penstemon lanceolatus
- Butterfly Photographs
- Plant Follow-up, Metcalfe’s Penstemon
Harvester, Rough
Hawk, Common Black
Hawk, Cooper’s
Helicoverpa zea (Corn Earworm Moth)
Heloderma suspectum
Hemaris diffinis/thetis (Rocky Mountain Clearwing)
Hemiargus ceraunus (Ceraunus Blue)
Hemidactylus turcicus
Hesperocyperis arizonica
Hetaerina americana (American Rubyspot Damselfly)
Heterodon kennerlyi
Hillsboro Peak
Hirundo rustica
Historical Introduction, Spread and Establishment of Old World Mice and Rats in New Mexico and Adjacent Areas, The
History Can Mess You Up - by Harley Shaw (Wild Turkey Research)
Hoffman, Jon
Hogna frondicola
Holbrookia maculata
Holocnemus pluchei
Holzwarth, Matilde
How Junipers Grow by Harley Shaw
Hubbard, John
- Northern Cardinal Range Expansion
- Red-breasted Sapsucker - Part of a Superspecies
- House Sparrows Constructing Nests in Active Red-Tailed Hawk Nest
- The Status of the Pyrrhuloxia in New Mexico
- Penstemon spinulosus - Wooton and Standley: New Mexico Endemic, Error, or Introduction?
- Calliope Hummingbirds Bathe on Wet Leaves
- Historical Introduction, Spread and Establishment of Old World Mice and Rats in New Mexico and Adjacent Areas, The
Human Land Use of the Nutt Grasslands: A First Look by Karl Laumbach
Hummingbird Banding
- News From the A-Spear
- The A-Spear Hummingbirds
- Letters to the Editor (Betchelder re: Rivoli’s Hummingbird)
Hummingbird, Black-chinned
- The A-Spear Hummingbirds
- Nesting Black-chinned Hummingbird
- Hummingbirds, Barbed-Wire, and Native Grasses In Art
- Nest
Hummingbird, Broad-billed
Hummingbird, Broad-tailed
- The A-Spear Hummingbirds
- Hummingbirds, Barbed-Wire, and Native Grasses In Art
- Native Plants Save The Birds
Hummingbird, Calliope
- The A-Spear Hummingbirds
- Hummingbirds, Barbed-Wire, and Native Grasses In Art
- Calliope Hummingbirds Bathe on Wet Leaves by John P. Hubbard
Hummingbird, Rivoli’s (Magnificent)
- Letters to the Editor (Betchelder)
Hummingbird, Rufous
Hylephila phyleus (Fiery Skipper)
Hyla wrightorum
Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx Moth)
Hypantria cunea (Fall Webworm Moth)
Hypsiglena jani
Icaricia lupini (Lupine Blue)
Important Plant Areas of New Mexico
- The Work of the New Mexico State Forestry Division (Discussion of website tool)
Ipomoea gilana
Ipomopsis aggregata
The Junipers of the Black Range and Nearby Areas
Juniper, Alligator
Juniper, One-seeded
Juniperus deppenana
Juniperus monosperma
Junonia coenia (Common Buckeye)
Kells, Michelle H.
Kingbird, Western
Kingsnake, Sonoran Mountain
Lampropeltis pyromelana pyromelana
Lampropeltis gentilis celaenops
Lanius ludovicianus
Land Ownership
Lander, Tom
- Coati Watch
- Western Diamondback photos
- Curve-billed Thrasher nest photos
- Lycogala epidendrum photos
- Walking Stick (Parabacillus) Photographs
Lark, Horned
Laumbach, Karl W.
Leopold, Aldo
- Aldo Leopold
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy
- Aldo Leopold - Part 2
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 3
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 4
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 5
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 6
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 7
Leptostales rubromarginaria
Leptostales rubromarginaria (Dark-ribboned Wave)
Lestes lacer
Liebenberg, Louis
Libellulidae (Skimmers)
Libytheana carinenta (American Snout)
Limenitis archippus (Viceroy)
Limenitis arthemis (Red-spotted Purple)
Litocala sexignata
Liticolar sexsignata (Litocala Moth)
Lizards, Horned
Lizard, Roundtail Horned
Lizard, Short-horned
Lizard, Texas Horned
Lordotus (Bee-Fly)
- A Few Nectaring Insects by James Von Loh
Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders)
McCord, Inga
MacDonald, S. O.
McGrath, Jim
Malcolm, Karl
Manduca quinquemaculata (Five-spotted Hawkmoth)
Masticophis bilenatus
Masticophis flagellum
Masticophis taeniatus taeniatus
Mattson, David
Meadowhawks (Libellulidae)
Mecaphesa californica
Mestra amymone (Common Mestra)
Metz, Steve
Micruroides euryxanthus euryxanthus
Mimbres Culture
- The Archaeology of Animals in Southwest New Mexico, AD 1100-1130
- Mimbres Natural History Art
- A Mimbres Controversy
- A Natural and Unnatural History of Faunal Change in Southwest New Mexico Since AD 500
Mimosa aculeaticarpa var. biuncifera
Morgan, Steve
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy
- Aldo Leopold - Part 2
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 3
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 4
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 5
- Water for Your Habitat Garden
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 6
- Aldo Leopold - His Legacy, Part 7
- Butterfly Photographs
Mourning Cloak
Mouse, Cactus
Mouse, House
Mouse, Southern Grasshopper
Mouse, Western Harvest
Mus musculus
Nasua narica
Nathalis iole (Dainty Sulphur)
Native Plant Society of New Mexico
A Natural and Unnatural History of Faunal Change in Southwest New Mexico Since AD 500
Natural History
The Natural History of the Alligator Juniper
The Natural History of the One-seeded Juniper
Nicoll, Debora
Nicrophorus guttula
Nothrotheriops shastensis
Nutt Grasslands
Nymphellis antiope
Oak, Gambel
Orobanche multiflora
Oriole, Bullock’s
Oriole, Hooded
Other Clearwing Critters - Antlions and Lacewings
Overview of the Mammals of the Gila Region, New Mexico, An
Owl, Barn
Owl, Elf
Owl, Mexican Spotted
Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher)
Pachysphinx occidentalis (Big Poplar Sphinx)
Pack Rats: Genus Neotoma
Palomas Creek
Paltothemis lineatipes (Red Rock Skimmer)
Papilio multicaudata (Two-tailed Swallowtail)
Papilio ornythion - Ornythion Swallowtail - Photographs by Jan Richmond
Papilo polyxenes (Black Swallowtail)
Parry, Ron
Patagioenas fasciata
Peccary, Collared (see Javelina)
Peerman, Steve
Penstemon metcalfei
- Extracts from “Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern”
- Penstemon metcalfei/Scophularia macrantha & Charles Wright
- Metcalfe’s Penstemon, Penstemon metcalfei
- Plant Follow-up, Metcalfe’s Penstemon
- Metcalfe’s Penstemon and Mimbres Figwort Survey
Penstomon spinulosus
- Penstemon spinulosus - Wooton and Standley: New Mexico Endemic, Error, or Introduction? by John Hubbard
- Penstemon spinulosus
- A Few Nectaring Insects by James Von Loh
Percha Creek
- Changes to the Middle Fork of Percha Creek, West of Kingston - photographs by Véronique De Jaegher
Periodic Table
Peucetia longipalpis
Phidippus (P. apacheanus, carneus, johnsoni)
Phoebis sennae (Cloudless Sulphur)
Pholisora cattullus (Common Sootywing)
Phoradendron juniperinum
- The Camera and Natural History
- Trailcam Photography
- Trailcam Case Study
- Light Field Photograph, Trilobites, Evolution, & Macro Photography
Phrynosoma cornutum
Phrynosoma hernandesi
Phrynosoma modestum
Phyciodes picta (Painted Crescent)
Phyciodes pulchelia (Field Crescent)
Phyciodes mylitta (Mylitta Crescent)
Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent)
Pieris rapae (European Cabbage White)
Pigeon, Band-tailed
Pilsbry, Henry
Pine, Ponderosa
Plant Plasticity - Argentina anserina
- Create Change With Your Own Backyard Habitat - by Nichole Trushell
- Support Biodiversity at Home - Gardening for Your Ecosystem - by Margie Gibson
- Bird, Bat, Bee, and Butterfly - Scaping Your Yard - by Kathleen Blair
- Some Selected References and Sources of Native Plants
- Water for Your Habitat Garden - by Steve Morgan
Plebejus melissa (Melissa Blue)
Plestiodon multivirgatus
Plestiodon obsoletus
Poecilognathus (Bee-Fly)
- A Few Nectaring Insects by James Von Loh
Pogonomyrmex rugosus
Polygonia gracilis (Hoary Comma)
Polygonia interrogationis (Question Mark)
Polygonia satyrus (Satyr Comma)
Pondhawk, Western
Pontia protodice (Checkered White)
Pontia sisymbrii (Spring White)
Populus deltoides wislizeni
- Rio Grande Cottonwoods, Mistletoe, and a Host of Animals
- Rio Grande Cottonwood, Willow, and Mistletoe Habitat Supporting Obligate Bird and Insect Species
Porcupine, North American
- Porkies Get No Respect by Harley Shaw
Precoda, Don
Prionus californicus (California Prionus)
Pterourus multicaudata (Two-tailed Swallowtail)
Pterourus rutulus (Western Tiger Swallowtail)
Quercus gambelii
- The Musings of a Meteorologist
- The Hillsboro Floods of 1914 and 1972
- The 1972 Flood
- The Flood Which Swept Through The Main Business Street of Hillsboro, New Mexico - June 10, 1914
- Hillsboro Precipitation Records for the Last 59 Years
- Variation of Precipitation Over Small Areas
Rat, Black
Rat, Hispid Cotton
Rat, Kangaroo
Rat, Norway
Ratsnake, Great Plains
Ratsnake, Northern Trans-Pecos
- Rattlers of the Black Range
- A Rattlesnake’s World
- A Day in My Life - Struck by a Rattlesnake
- Rattlesnake Venom, Cost of a Snakebite, Neurotoxic Venom
- Eastern Black-tailed Rattlesnake
- Repurposed Drug to the Rescue of Snakebite Victims
- Snakes of the Black Range
Rattlesnake, Banded Rock
Rattlesnake, Northern Black-tailed
Rattlesnake, Ornate Black-tailed
Rattlesnake, Prairie
Rattlesnake Sensory Systems
Rattlesnake, Western Diamondback
- Rattlers of the Black Range
- Photo
- A Day in My Life - Struck by a Rattlesnake
- Photos by Tom Lander
- Snakes of the Black Range
Rattus norvegicus
Rattus rattus
Representative Damselflies of Doña Ana County
Rhinocheilus lecontei
Richmond, Jan
Riparian Research and Management
Roth, Daniela
- Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico
- Extracts from “Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern"
Rubyspot, American (Hetaerina americana)
Salvadora deserticola
Sapp, Gary
Sapsucker, Red-breasted
Sapsucker, Red-naped
Sawyers Peak Trail
Sceloporus bimaculosus
Sceloporus clarkii
Sceloporus cowlesi
Sceloporus jarrovii
Sceloporus magister
Sceloporus poinsettii
Sceloporus undulatus
Sceloporus virgatus
Schollmeyer, Karen
- Archaeology of Animals in Southwest New Mexico, AD 1000 - 1130
- A Natural and Unnatural History of Faunal Change in Southwest New Mexico Since AD 500
Scophularia macrantha
- Extracts from “Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern”
- Penstemon metcalfei/Scophularia macrantha & Charles Wright
- Mimbres Figwort, Scrophularia macrantha
Sears, Melody
Sedge, Bigleaf
Selasphorus calliope
Selasphorus platycercus
Selasphorus rufus
Shaw, Bill
Shaw, Harley
- Lore Versus Science and Natural History
- The 1972 Flood
- Packrat Tales
- Dogs and Snakes
- A K-Rat Mound is a Busy Place
- On the Shape of a Form
- Porkies Get No Respect
- Never Kiss a Walapai Tiger
- Habitat
- Making “Trailing With Toasty”
- Tomoff’s Woody Plants of the Mogollon Highlands
- History Can Mess You Up (Wild Turkey research)
- Mancuso’s The Revolutionary Genius of Plants (Book Review)
- The North Kaibab Deer Herd 1968-1983: The “Research” Years
- Grizzly Bears in the Black Range
- The Art of Tracking - The Origin of Science (Book Review)
- The Tracker and the Shadow Cat by Stephen Siegfried
- Vulture - The Private Life of an Unloved Bird (Book Review)
- How Juniper Grows
- Smarter’n a Stump
- Arizona’s Arboreal Alligator
- Weight Load and Flotation in Wildlife Feet
- Restoring the Pitchfork Ranch (Book Review)
- Several Articles on the Tools of the Trade - Measurement Systems
- Reflections on a Prickly Plant While Waiting for a Beagle
- Arizona's 300 Pound Cougar
Shrike, Loggerhead
Shrimp, Long-tailed Tadpole
Siegfried, Stephen
- The Melodic Canyon Wren
- Aldo Leopold
- Mourning Cloak Butterfly
- The Sonoran Coral Snake
- The Tracker and the Shadow Cat
Sistrurus catenatus
Sivinski, Bob
Skimmers (Libellulidae)
Slot Canyons
Smarter’n a Stump by Harley Shaw
Smith, Zane
Snake, Arizona Coral
Snake, Big Bend Patchnose
Snake, Checkered Garter
Snake, Chihuahuan Hook-nosed
Snake, Chihuahuan Lyre
Snake, Chihuahuan Night
Snake, Common Garter
Snake, Mexican Garter
Snake, Mountain Patchnose
Snake, Narrow-headed Garter
Snake, Painted Desert Glossy
Snake, Plains Black-headed
Snake, Plains Hog-nosed
Snake, Sonoran Lyre
Snake, Western Black-necked Garter
Snake, Western Long-nosed
Snake, Western Terrestrial Garter
Sonora semiannulata
Sparrow, Black-throated
Sparrow, Chipping
Sparrow, House
- House Sparrows Constructing Nests in Active Red-Tailed Hawk Nest by John Hubbard
Sparrow, Lincoln’s
Sparrow, White-crowned
Sparrow, White-throated
Speyeria hesperis (Northwest Fritillary)
Sphyrapicus nuchalis
Spider, Red-backed Jumping
Spiny Lizards
Spodoptera orithogalli (Yellow-striped Armyworm)
Squirrel, Spotted Ground
Staphylus ceos (Golden-headed Scallopwing)
Status of the Pyrrhuloxia in New Mexico, The by John P. Hubbard
Stellula calliope
- Calliope Hummingbirds Bathe on Wet Leaves by John P. Hubbard
Streptopelia decaocto
Streit, Taylor
Strix occidentalis lucida
Strix occidentalis lucida (Oct. 2024 issue)
Strymon melinus (Gray Hairstreak)
Stylurus intricatus (Brimstone Clubtail)
Stylurus plagiatus (Russet-tipped Clubtail)
Support Biodiversity at Home - Gardening for Your Ecosystem - by Margie Gibson
Swallow, Tree
Swank, Wendell
Sympetrum corruptum (Variegated Meadowhawk)
Sympetrum semicinctum (Band-winged Meadowhawk)
Sympetrum vicinum (Autumn Meadowhawk)
Tachycineta bicolor
Thamnophis cyrtopsis cyrtopsis
Thamnophis marcianus marcianus
Thomomys umbrinus (Southern Pocker Gopher)
Thompson, Ron
Thorybes pylades (Northern Cloudywing)
Three Oredonts From the Black Range Show the Importance of Shared and Accessible Data by Hannah Cantrell
Time in Night Above the Percha by Chuck Barrett
Titman, Edward
Tools of the Trade
Toxostoma curvirostre
Towhee, Canyon
- Trailcams, Citizen Science and the Black Range Region
- Trailcam Photography
- The A-Spear Trailcams
- Trailcam Skunks
- Trailcam Case Study
Trails in the Black Range
- Railroad Canyon Campground to Holden Prong Saddle
- Sawyers Peak Trail
- Cooke’s Spring Pass
- Ciénega Trail - City of Rocks State Park
- Forest Trail 796
- The Natural History of the Grandview Trail
Trushell, Nichole
- Nature’s Form and Pattern - as Inspiration for Art and Science
- Ready for Winter?
- Create Change With Your Own Backyard Habitat
- Late Bloomers in the Black Range/Multiple Photographs
- Living With Wildlife in the Black Range
Turkey, Wild
Urosaurus ornatus
Uta stansburiana
Vanessa annabella (West Coast Lady)
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Vanessa virginiensis (American Lady)
Variation of Precipitation Over Small Areas
Vinegaroon, Giant
Vireo griseus
Vireo, White-eyed
Von Loh, James
- Multiple Articles/Photographs in the April 2022 Issue
- Follow-Up: While Looking at Butterflies - Other Insects
- A Few Nectaring Insects
- A Taste of Bluet
- Lizards of the Black Range
- Representative Dragonflies of Doña Ana County (Darners)
- Hang Glider
- Representative Dragonflies of Doña Ana County (Spreadwings)
- Great Spreadwing
- Potential Interspecies Mating Event Among Spreadwings
- California Spreadwing
- Plateau Spreading
- Other Clearwing Critters - Antlions and Lacewings
- Dragonflies: The Clubtail Family - Gomphidae
- Dragonflies: The Skimmer Family - Libellulidae
- Shrimp, Long-tailed Tadpole: An Encore (2023)
- Rio Grande Cottonwood, Willow, and Mistletoe Habitat Supporting Obligate Bird and Insect Species
- The Echinocereus of the Black Range and Doña Ana County (multiple species)
Vulture, Turkey
- White-collared Turkey Vulture
- Turkey Vulture Natural History
- Vulture - The Private Life of an Unloved Bird (Book Review)
- In Search of the White-collared Turkey Vulture
Wanek, Catherine
Water for Your Habitat Garden - by Steve Morgan
- The Musings of a Meteorologist
- Variation of Precipitation Over Small Areas
- Black Range Weather - Rainbows
- Rain, Virga, and Sublimation
- Pyrocumulonimbus Clouds
- Monsoon
Whipsnake, Desert Striped
Whipsnake, Sonoran
Whiptail Lizards
Whitford, Walt
- Ants: Seed Harvesters
- Pack Rats: Genus Neotoma
- Foliage Insects and Termites
- Kangaroo Rats and Other Rodents
Woese, Carl
Wolf, Mexican Gray
Woodruff, Patricia M
Woody Plants of the Mogollon Highlands
Wren, Canyon
- July 2023 Issue
- April 2024 Issue (Feather Coloration)
Wright, Charles
Yarmal, Cindy
Zerene cesonia (Southern Dogface)
Zonotrichia leucophrys